Funny djihad

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it is me from the military frontier,

from Temerin, Batschkain the Woiwodina

I se the problems for Palestinians

Palestinian mothers are directly affected by the criminal acts of the terrorist Netanyahu. They can be murdered with Israeli bombs while fleeing. In hospitals their children are murdered and that these murders are part of a genocide is currently confirmed by the UN

but still for me it's funny

Wel ich noch ethnisch beingt innerlich Beziehungenzur Militäargrenze hane. .

For a few hundred years, one jihad followed the other and we had to contribute to defending the Christian West.

so we had this song

That was scary at the very least. we pay attention to the text 

Luschik is da terkaktieg

with di kruma Sawla

haat s em da kop ab,

kan ar nimmi wawla 

hans was asascht do dozu

It works

 "creepy too"

it was very ceeppy too for poor daniela Orly

zu gruslg? schnell zurück
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