N Dealer deals with speaking Ass
When my plan to rescue hostages became more and more concrete, I noticed the following: something is missing about the slave market and Hamas monsters. I am referring to a programme on the European television channel ARTE. "Hamas the creation of a monster". What was the monstrous thing about it: Hamas is working with the Muslim Brotherhood.
a program appeared on German cable television that proclaimed fundamental theological messages of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The line of argument goes like this: in the Sunnah, slaves are to be freed as penance. But where does the devout Muslim get his slaves from? He buys them on the slave market.
It's a good thing that Haaretz also has something on the subject of the slave market. And also on the subject of Jewish cantors
How a Unique Opera About Historic Rape of Jewish Women Required a Rewrite After October 7
When cantor Iris Karlin first heard the story of Yehudit – a Jewish heroine who reputedly saved her people by seducing and beheading an Assyrian general – she was shocked that it was so little known. She aims to correct that with an opera heavy on cantorial singing and a message about the Israeli women hostages still being held in Gaza
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I think this whole thing is actually a catastrophe, especially from a German point of view. Because the Jew Fritz Löhner Breda wrote an operetta on this topic, obviously Adolf Hitler also liked it. For it could be carried out during the entire duration of the Third Reich
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The black wizared of OZ
one of the most hunted men in Israel. And we have some News. But we want before an interview by frenzied reporters (freelancers) from Haaretz (newspaper) and CNN news
please please, I beg on my knees
get me out of here
become a sex slave at:
ich liebe dich
und weil ich dich liebe denke dran
jede Träne ist eine Perle mit der Du den Eintritt ins P aradis bezahlen kannst !!
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Wellcome in the hell where The Pasha of fucking will fuck you beffore you undewete anything Reind. your aster illbee a Transssylvanien. And so you have to knen this Way
Daniela Gilboa, Naama Levy, Liri Albag and Agam Berger.
These must not become fascists (better the German word "faschistoid" )immediately after their release from Hamas custody and claim: the worst thing for a woman is not death but a life as a slave of the harem. They preferred to live a Slave und they have continue to o so. But of corse only for a limited time and without rape. as comfortable as possible and we have to set the rules now
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Setting the rules will be very difficult. We not only have to set the rules for the spotter girls but also for the mothers and everyone who takes part.
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