Sefardic with Orly Berger

We can learn sometime about sefardic jews.  with Orly Gilboa.  who often appear under her stage names "MaBoa" or "Orly the boa", Serfaric rabbis hang out in her house. But they can confirm  orthese can certainly tell us that the stupidest thing that can be said about a Sephardic Rabin is folding:

Serfardic rabbis are also referred to as the Ascanian rabbis of the west, they and their community are almost extinct.

This was implicit in the "Jüdische Allgemeine".

we quote from this article

"The old language is in danger of dying out. Today, it is estimated that only around 150,000 Ladino-speaking people worldwide – most of them live in Israel and the Balkans. Today, hardly anyone regards "Judeo-Spanish", which is also referred to as the Yiddish of the West, as their mother tongue. For those who still master it, it is often only the third or even fourth language. Ladino is spoken almost exclusively within the family."

my coment. 

To be a Sephardic rabbi is a matter of religious conviction. For Serfardic Jews put the holy books into their language. The Judeo-Spanish. This has nothing to do with Ascanian Jews and their rabbis. They read the holy books into their language. The Yiddish. Ascanian Jews and Serfardic Jews were spatially and linguistically separated. before Judeo-speaking Sephardic Zionists met with Yididish-speaking Zionists and Hebrew-speaking Zionists in Israel to settle there.

That was long before the Holocaust.

the spatial separation of Askanian and Separdic Jews did not exist in the KuK monarchy. The spatial separation of Ascanian and Separd Jews did not exist in the Ottoman Empire either. At least in the capital Istambul, both lived. But also at the military border. After the occupation of Bosnia, all 4 types of jews lived together in Novisad (Novisad) or met there to do business. because all kinds of male Jews, like all other ethnic groups, had to learn military German.

There were the 11 ethnic groups of Vovodina. The concept of Woivodina existed long before 1800 in the KuK monarchy.just as in the military, a common trade language is a strong advantage in trade. Let's call it Handelsdeutsch, analogous to military German. Of course, this is important in the capital Vienna. The Viennese population already speaks German anyway. just as in the military, a common trade language is a strong advantage in trade. Let's call it Handelsdeutsch, analogous to military German. Of course, this is important in the capital Vienna. The Viennese population already speaks German anyway. The situation is different with Neusatz. There, the largest ethnic group is Serbian. WHETHER the Serbs at that time waited for the abbsolute majority or only a reative majority we leave open..

At least the Serbs had a relative majority that came close to an absolute majority..

is obvious to take military German as commercial German. Because many men of the most diverse population groups were in the military. That is the main argument. Linguistically, however, the following is of importance: before that was commercial German. And even longer before that, it was Jewish German or Yiddish. Please note: there are 3 languages that interact with each other..

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