Schnucky in the the Suf

we have here 3 slave girls in the suf

it happend for religios reasons

every girl is earmarked

I have a book of the turkish religios organisation


where this is weong

we can discuss that.

allso here please dont fotget I am an athist. all my live i haven catched slaves. I haven not violated women. An with 70 years it is not necesary any more

But in this case i am lucky, Te jew

hemann leopoldi

The problem is Hermann Leopoldi, he sings in standard German. But his German and many of his satirical punchlines have a direct connection to Jewish German, although as KuK Jewish German it is somewhat different from Yiddish. That's why I first have to explain, somewhat laboriously, what religious connection the Scnucki song has to the martyrs and their Schuckys in the SUF in the Gaza-Hamas tunnels.

to start again

the Moor of Nahal OZ can enchant. He turns dry religious discusions into funny memos on YouTube, I also find magic funny, cliffhanger to be continued.

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