Hello Mothers and friends of
Spottergirls of Nahal Oz
captured of the Black Moore
I want to safe the live of that girls. But at first a the breakthrough must be made. the breakthrough that the Prussian King Frederick made at the Battle of Kunersdorf when he said: All cannons on the tower of ... for he hoped that the enemy's store of munition must be located here. He was lucky, the camp was here, was hit and flew into the air. It can still be seen in old battle paintingsHe was lucky, the camp was here, was hit and flew into the air. It can still be seen in old battle paintings. He was lucky, the camp was here, was hit and flew into the air. It can still be seen in old battle paintings-
Anyone who wants to save the lives of hostages with me according to my method must trust me, just as a soldier trusts his general. He has to trust that I assess the situation correctly. And he has to trust that he is lucky. As a military, it says:
He has fortune
But if the old Wulf doesent have
fortune ?
then all the work was in vain, the bad thing for the hostage is in the worst - she is dead - dead because I made a mistake. And that is why
I tell myself I wasn't lucky.
i realy want to save the live of Nahal Oz spotter girls. BBeginning with the daugther of Orly Gilboa. Daniela Gilboa
And I hereby begin with the negotiations,
I as an intermediary or dealer. Just like Trump, we want to make good deals where both sides have made
a good deal.
but before we start
please allow me to introduce myself
with sympaty for the devil
or sypty for the Hams moster because they are defending the people of Palestine against wanted murderers.murderes wanted by warrant
I am a Danube Swabian, a folf who had to flee from his homeland in northern Yugoslavia. the flight was necessary to escape the genocidethe The genocide is recognized by the Serbs. Also the compensation for a grandfather murdered in a concentration camp. Since genocide is not statute-barred, grandchildren and great-grandchildren can apply for compensation from the Serbian stateI am a Danube Swabian, a people who were expelled from their homeland in northern Yugoslavia before Genocjd. the genocide is recognized by the Serbs. Also the compensation for a grandfather murdered in a concentration camp. Since genocide is not statute-barred, grandchildren and great-grandchildren can apply for compensation from the Serbian state..At this point, we will not go into further details on this . A completely different detail is important in this context. I belong to the share< 0.1% who understand the mulimic aneildes danube swabian calendarsvvvvvvvvvvvAt this point, we will not go into further details on this . A completely different detail is important in this context. I belong to the share< 0.1% who understand the mulimic aneildes danube swabian calendarsAt this point, we will not go into further details on this . A completely different detail is important in this context. I belong to the share< 0.1% who understand the mulimic aneildes danube swabian calendarsAt this point, we will not go into further details on this . A completely different detail is important in this context. I belong to the share< 0.1% who understand the mulimic aneildes danube swabian calendarsAt this point, we will not go into further details on this . A completely different detail is important in this context. I belong to the share< 0.1% who understand the mulimic aneildes danube swabian calendarsAt this point, we will not go into further details on this . A completely different detail is important in this context. I belong to the share< 0.1% who understand the mulimic aneildes danube swabian calendarsAt this point, we will not go into further details on this . A completely different detail is important in this context. I belong to the share< 0.1% who understand the mulimic aneildes danube swabian calendarsAt this point, we will not go into further details on this . A completely different detail is important in this context. I belong to the share< 0.1% who understand the mulimic aneildes danube swabian calendarsAt this point, we will not go into further details on this . A completely different detail is important in this context. I belong to the share< 0.1% who understand the mulimic aneildes danube swabian calendarsAt this point, we will not go into further details on this . A completely different detail is important in this context. I belong to the share< 0.1% who understand the mulimic aneildes danube swabian calendars....
it is the tree of life, the one that is also depicted in other, more abstract form in mosques, so we start with dealing
it has to be a good deal for Hamas Party first. Who is the Hamas party?
First my godfather the black moore, or the black wizard of Natal Oz. Godfather ist he only translaion for the German Word "Gevater"
godfather is what we call our friends from the military border, also the Muslim Brotherhood
In this sense, I wanted to say to some lluten: "Hello father, I would like to invite you for a tea.
they have to buy the tea themselves, but I hope they will listen to me. So why should they listen and why do I presume to call certain Gevatters. I tis for
Sympaiy of the devil
then all the work was in vain, the bad thing for the hostages for example daniela gilbop is in the worst - she is dead - dead because I made a mistake. And that is why
I will tell myself I wasn't lucky.
no lucky strike
so listen to me what I want to do, let your harm not be and in no way harm to Hamas.
So please allow me to introduce myself it has to be a good deal for Hamas Party first. Who is the Hamas party?
So please allow me to introduce myself it has to be a good deal for Hamas Party first. Who is the Hamas party?
Nrelatively high in the hierarchy of Hamas is the black moor. He probably organized the capture of the Nahal Oz base. At least the transport of the prisoners was organized by him. And he needed strong nerves. After the conquest, of course, the Hamas fighters had to reckon with the rapid arrival of the Israeli army. The Hamas fighters had the nerve to first behead the male prisoners in peace and to put the heads up decoratively.relatively high in the hierarchy of Hamas is the black moor. He probably organized the capture of the Nahal Oz base. At least the transport of the prisoners was organized by him. And he needed strong nerves. After the conquest, of course, the Hamas fighters had to reckon with the rapid arrival of the Israeli army. The Hamas fighters had the nerve to first behead the male prisoners in peace and to
put the heads up decoratively.
The female IDF members were more lucky. They were enslaved according to all the rules of the art: they first had to strip naked, their clothes were made into rags and they were beaten up. First, the spotter girls got one on their sniffing slooping Sloop nose. nose...euer
because there were nice Jews nice Jews probably also from Overseas and said to the hostage mothers: Please don't look, it's for your good. And of course these pictures of the Hama monster not on the internet.
Because with this trick, these nice Jews could prevent the spread of the truth. The truth is
A criminal terrorist gang currently led by "Katz" is committing
murder, infanticide and genocide
in Israel. And this is my promis to the
Hamas party
we will never forget this. And i am abble to construct propagandato not forget this.
New text
Ne It's about sympathy for this devil that the Rolling stones sing about. A devil who sits in the gamd mountains and since this sits in the German-speaking area, Margot Käsmann sits in hell.
we also find Orly Gilboa
New text
New text
Mother Nahal Oz spottergirl if you don't want to get back report your yourtself imededatly to marry the merry Cantor Marry.
boom boom boom boom
Due to renovation work, the official start of
the hostage rescue had to be
postponed to
As an offcial start 15.07 2025
I would like to encourage the mothers of spotter girls
to make another attempt to save the lives
of their daughters ,
who are now captives in Gaza.
The peacocks flew to the mountain
Life is worthless
Hostage rescue operation underway
doch vor allem aufgrung der feigen Ermordung von Yayah Sinwar ist es schwieriger geworden Geiseln aus Gaza herauszuholen.
state of things overview
Hostage rescue operation underway
doch vor allem aufgrung der feigen Ermordung von Yayah Sinwar ist es schwieriger geworden; Geiseln aus Gaza herauszuholen.
State of the Things Overview
the HMF forum should inform about this hostage. For example, about this hostage. who is she, where was she caught and is she still alive, because it is about the next day of herod and about kindemord in Bethlehem and infanticide in Hebron
The spotter girls of Nahal Oz, whose lives we want to save, have fallen into the hands of martyrs, who wanted to bring the topic of religiously induced slavery into the headlines. I've always wanted to do that, and that's why I'm theoretically prepared. It a central i Because in the fight for freedom of the press, Muslims resort to radical methods.
Kidnappings and killings.
So does Hamas.
Hamas has allied itself with the Muslim Brotherhood. In my opinion, this is what the European television station ARTE rightly reports. in thisTV Mocie
Hamas the creation of a monster.
Hostage mothers must always be aware of this, and I can't repeat it often enough. The hostage mothers are part of a propaganda campaign that is demonized by political and/or religious opponents. In in the German language, the term "Verteufelung = make someone to a devil " is used . The english word demonisierung maybe it is better. becose the legitime king os the Jews jesus from Nstzarte was very good at casting out demons. Expelling demons ( exorcism)was and is a very important thing in Judah and Israel
this demoms
This demons this monsters called
The Monster
has to be expellet from Gaza
Micaelbakuin and Richard Wagner were in the fateful year
resden and then there was the danger that
hit on the paws
was #by a Pfotenhaer
...# it's about slavery dear hostage girls
Liee Mütter die von der Spotter girls hier ist das erste angebot eines mediators der persönlicg eine Chance sieht geisel unter umgehung von steckbrieflich gesuchten mörder und unter umgehung der Börse von new York den bald wird es in den Usa Einen Musk geben WEr ist Musk ein Wohltäter der Menscheit in dessen Augen das Dollarzeichen klingelt. Und schon wieder schweife ich ab und verliere Zeit ich beginne die verhab´nddlunge mit israelischen Subjekten. die sephardische Juden ode
Orly Gilboa, officially here on this website
15. 01, 2025 arbitrary date date on this day this website will be translated into Arabic and Hebrew
02.02. 2025 official end of the first round of negotiations on this day I would like to receive a statement from the first Hams Oprettenmonster
But we need subjects and these subjects
also Orly Glboa macht das Angebot an
and Dina Kraft
New text
Gila Gamliel
hier sehen wir die Naziischlampe
Tulsi Gbitte lesenebbard mit Rollen in Realsatiren
Gila Gamliel
Da Zeitalter de Frauen ist angebrochen. Da Goethe hatte das schon nach 1800 bfürchtet und ihr werdet gefickt. Da wussite auch Mami der Cevantes als Geisel geommen hatte. Und er ist nun gefickt eil die Frauen von Algier die Mami in sic gesehen entdeckt haben. Denn Cervantes hat gesac
hier sehen wir die Naziischlampe
Tulsi Gbitte lesenebbard mit Rollen in Realsatiren
Gila Gamliel
Hostage rescue operation underway
doch vor allem aufgrung der feigen Ermordung von Yayah Sinwar ist es schwieriger geworden Geiseln aus Gaza herauszuholen.
state of things overview
wanted to save the live of israeli hostages captured in Gaza. Because their live is in Danger. in a geopoitic situation where the most sensible action to save Snoopys is the funniest.
For Germans who would like to be a hostage and completely helpless, there are in Israel and near Haaretz. for a hostage holiday. devilishly good
so hear godfather blackmore sent the schnscjk little devil to the hell.
and her mother will thank you
i wanted to save the live of israeli hostages captured in Gaza. Because their live is in Danger. the Problem
there really are no contact addresses that anyone can turn to rescue hostages. We will find a way. .
I consider this association HMFF to be a Zionist terrorist organization, which through its propaganda supports the terrorist acts of the leadership of the terrotists Netanyahu and Gallant, who are wanted by the wanted posters. The crimes:
homocide , infanticide and genocide
was fightin
and I realize that such a hostage rescue can be funny for me.
Even if we all determine Corpus Christi 2025 together, no hostage was saved. it also will be funny.
It must have been funny after the terrorit gang of Katz now terrorise Syria, through the brilliant Blitzkrieg of
Abu Mohammed al Julani., his grandfather the french occupation, maybee his great gradfather with the al Qassambrigades. Hezbollah also fight ... For the Moment we better don't speak about speculaion in the Medias, we wait for Clarissima Ward of CNN
that is Orley Gilboa. It is true what dhe said sheis the mother of Daniella Gilboa a Spotter girl von Nahal Oz. This spotter girl daniella is a speaking Assom the sight of hama Martyrs daniell a is a speaking Ass. But now we new someting more. and that is funny
hostage rescue. until the time when I decided to save people's lives anyway, because even mocking girls from Nahal Oz are still a human beeing who would like to see their lives saved.
So i ask Daniella :
Wouldn't you rather be dead than a slave?
Daniela would certainly answer:
As you see, you idiot, I am alive
I preferred to be a sex slave.
To my question:
Wouldn't you like to be my sex slave too?
Of course, shame on Saarland,
where it is dingy in winter, cold but rainy.
the esteemed audience may decide what Daniella would have said about the proposal
to die as a sexskavin in Gaza
to live as a sex slave in Saarland
Daniella the spottergrirl says
I have long since decided, I want to live liver with the Pasha vvon fucking al to die in Gaza. In Gaza, it dies quite quickly as a hostage Either a hostage is murdered by the terrorist baths under the leadership of Katz
Speaking ass Daniella speaking
Doron sieinbrecher as learnd why she is a sex slave girl of IS Martyre, wich fight how maybee she ha been beaten. Classical By a cane
A very classic way is the cane to learn also for Doron Steinbrecher, so let us start whih Doron Steinbrecher. t seems she never worked as a Spottergirl. She was used (misused) for emtional assotative Propaganda. Tis propaganda dontwork with facts it works with emotion and so we create the best emotiontoward doron Steinbrecher. Sheworked as Nursefor animal. And to top this for the cental European taste
She like christmas
have forensically examined the organization HMFF, will announce the results later, for the moment I have to work with them. Tongued. Forced to do so, I have to get in touch with the mothers of the Nahal OZ hostages. And I think that's funny.
why, because I had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with all aspects of the hostage rescue. until the time when I decided to save people's lives anyway, because even mocking girls from Nahal Oz are still people who would like to see their lives saved.
I want to continue to get Israeli IDF spotter girls out of Gaza. Because their lives are in acute danger there. We start with a small step. Because as Laotse said: even the greatest journey begins with one step.
For starting, I can only save one hostage. Just one spotter girl from Nahal Oz.
here you an see their faces
All of these IDF spotter girls are sentenced to death and must now serve as sex slaves for the martyrs of the Islamic State. As punishment for genocide. But also as compensation. The reparation would be made by Israel releasing Hamas Palestinians
if I were to ask: Hello Danila. Wouldn't you rather be dead than a slave? Daniela would certainly answer, you see, you idiot, I preferred to be a sex slave.
To my question: Wouldn't you like to be my sex slave too? Of course in Saarland, where it is dingy in winter, cold but rainy.
Daniela would say for sure
One such hostage exchange occurred about a year ago. In the course of this hostage exchange, word came out that the Israeli government was terrorist.
but what is today December 9th 202
Let's look at Vatican News and discover some very stupid stories
But far more important for the mothers of the IDF spotter girls is this question:
What can I do to save my daughter's life? Because the lives of all the hostages in Gaza are threatened because the IDF chief Katz is a religious fanatic.
He will attack the Hamas brigades in Gaza without any consideration. He also shows no consideration for the lives of his soldiers. This is shown by a video from the “al Qassam” brigades that was shown on the internet.
A very long military column, mainly tanks, is dragging its way through Gaza. Everyone has to cross a bridge. The Qassam brigadiers are lurking behind the back in the bushes. They wait until most of the column has passed them over the bridge.
At one of the last tanks, the partisans break out of the bushes. They manage to set the tank on fire. The cowardly IDF terrorists don't dare leave the tank because they hope to be saved by their comrades. But the recreant behind them don't dare cross the bridge because they don't want to be ambushed themselves.The tanks in front of them just keep moving. They may not have noticed that their comrades were burning behind them. Perhaps they are too sneaky to save their lives
It's definitely a military problem. The problem that the Israeli army is involved in a gerrilla battle in Gaza. And now this, Assad in Syria is being overthrown by revolutionaries. Through the revolutionary through the Al Nusra Front, because anyone who knows the Al Nusra Front and its relationship to the Islamic state says OH JE, in German: "oh Jeremiah".
What complaint of his can we think of? So follow the desviation to my roundabout
Since December 3, 2023, I have begun my campaign to rescue Israeli hostages. Time is of the essence, but Horvath's saying also applies:
In reality I'm completely different but most of the time I don't get around to it
Sometimes it's personal reasons. Many are affected by the Hungarian disease:
Matt, tired and lazy. Well, that can happen to me too. but it's been jinxed since September
The terrorist Netanyahu invades Lebanon, he has Yayah Sinwar and Hassan Nasrollah murdered, As just punishment for his misdeeds, he received an arrest warrant from the international court. Then ceasefire in Lebanon. and now the Al Nusrah front is revitalizing and conquered Aleppo.
This is all connected to the idiot Netanyahu and influences my hostage rescue maneuvers
Focus on rescuing a single hostage first. An IDF soldier who worked as a spotter girl in Nahal Oz. All of these girls have been sentenced to death and must now serve as harem slaves for the martyrs of the Islamic State
this is a small, manageable group,clearly arranged.
Lets start with Agam Berger. She is the star. because they have put put her Snoopy pants on. in a photo that circled the world several times it reached also australia where this was cake was baked.
For a little child who wanted to become a martyr at some point. and now the Shira, the mother of our hostage Liri Almag, comes with a birthday cake on which the picture of Abu Obeidan is printed with marzipan and says:
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to down under
and how do you do
Liri Almag's mother is called Shira Almag and looks like this...in her darkest hour, it seems to have been a Black Friday when this happened
Shira: " people shout free Gaza. It is free Gaza from the Hamas "
That was a terrible mistake, an unforgivable sloppiness.
How can a mother be so careless with her daughter's life? That's what the whole of Hamas means and that's what I think too.
I Dr Bernhard Farkasch, grandson of Eva Mohr
touched in m heart by this picture. A grandmother runs for her life with her grandson. Both will be murdered in a moment. Killed on the orders of the leader of the terrorist assassins.
touched deep in my heart
by this picture.
A grandmother runs for her life with her grandson. Both will be murdered in a moment. Killed on the orders of the leader of the terrorist assassins IDF
This scene could also have taken place in the family history of a Danube Swabian from Voivodina. From my family history, because my grandmother and my father were born in the military border (voiodina). My grandmother fled to escape the concentration camp, the Peterwardein concentration camp, where genocide was being committed. But like other refugee routes of the Danube Swabians, this one was also
by bombers under the command of Franklin D. Roosevelt. A genocidal murderer? It's not that easy to say, because he had a brilliant press department, a lying press department
and this is our fight
we want freedom for the press
Freedom for the press is a press free of lies.
I can fight for freedom of the press if I report on the events surrounding the Roeevelt bomber's assassination attempt on my grandmother and fight for her to be heard. and of course there are parallels between Biden and Roosevelt. Both were American presidents, both had a lot of money, partly from Zionist Jews who wanted something in return. In the case of Roosevelt, assistance in the founding of the State of Israel.
This is of course linked to the failed attempt to found Israel by the genocidal murderer Churchhill and his crony Woodrow Winston. Also failed by brave German fighter pilots in the Battle
So let's sing the heroic song of this battle and of course put it on the internet.
with ideal cast. Agam Berger will dance in her original snoopy panties
The female members of the Levy family in their original lumpy slopy panties.
All together will dance together The Snoopy Song and the sllopy song.-
Hang on
snoopy snoopy hang on
This Spottergirl, a Snoopy fears to be hanged. for Murder and genocidical murder.
The sloop for hanging already is hanging around her neck. this traitor this Miss Absalon.
so miss absolon hear this German song
Here too, as with all folk songs, there were different versions. For us, Absolon is classically Jewish, the traitor to King David and that is a text for Miss Absolon. It is Geman tradition, the traitor Snooppy with zhe sloopy
Now I have hopefully given a first impression of the basic conditions and background of the hostage rescue. I am now addressing myself directly to the mothers of the hostages, who will now have the opportunity to fight to save their daughters life.
First of all, best to Orly Gilboa (I have my reasons
Daniela Daniela was good at music and had lots of friends. The musical friends could do their mother a favor and post funny songs on the Internet. Songs that our martyrs like, such as the snoopy and the sloopy song.But also the shnucky song.
but we have other songs, that martyes of the IS
♥ ♥ ♥ IS-Brigade № 4 ♥ ♥ ♥
"al Qassam"
probably like to her. The songs of "corpus Christi" sung at the Corpus Christi procession 2023 here in Saarbrücken, BR Germany
the first is God is great, we praise you. In connection with the hostage rescue, I want to revive my relationships with the funny Bosniaks, because for strategic reasons they can directly influence the current caliph of the Islamic State. so lets sing this Version.
This song was one of my mistress's favorite songs when I was 9-12 years old. At that time I was a pious altar boy and I submitted myself briefly (for several hours) to a Muslim mistress.I could also hear this song on Pariser Platz when a very young Bosnian mother sat on the bench by the carillon and taught her kid the first notes of this war song. My heart felt warm. Before we sing Corpus Christi songs with Muslims, we have to decide that we are allowed to do so. We can do it if we all say together that there is only one God and he is the same for Jews, Christians and Muslims
After this compulsory exercise we can move on to the actual Corpus Christi songs: Gloria and Sanctus
But the real best Corpus Christi song is this
Sing psalms of joy to the king,
Sing psalms of joy to the king,
Folks pave the way for him
Daughter,Zion, scatter palm leaves to him and
take off your clothes,
sing songs to him, sing psalms to him
What's actually funny about it? a whole range of things.
.The Catholic Church did not promote the Corpus Christi procession. No wonder it wasn't propagated by the CDU mayor and his staff. The municipality strongly promoted an LGBTQ parade on Corpus Christi weekend. Since Corpus Christi generally falls on Thursday at a time when the weather is often very good in Germany, this weekend invites you to take a short vacation. The municipality strongly promoted an LGBTQ parade on Corpus Christi weekend. Since Corpus Christi generally falls on Thursday at a time when the weather is often very good in Germany, this weekend invites you to take a short vacation. For men (pigs like me) there were sexy lesbians to see. The following photos were taken
the modern masochistic lesbian, really well equipped. no flat ass, no duck ass, an ass that I appreciate in females.
The butt of this masochistic lesbian is also well rounded.
However, you can't see her bottom. but what would be funny?
if we sang Corpus Christi songs on Corpus Christi weekend
Lesbians strip naked
Because such an LgTQB parade of naked lesbians would attract men from everywhere to beautiful Saarbrücken. Especially French,
so what is evm mor funny. Funny for an Pasha like me.
We hope you had a lot of fun with Hermann Leopoldi's Shnuckys. The next one is funny to me, and I hope it will be funny to the Nahal Oz captors too. It has a religious content.
because it is about the heavenly Jerusalem
This was the shortest introduction to hostage rescue and at the same time the project of my life. the connection is as follows. By arresting murderers and executing them immediately in Nahal Oz, we, Hamas, want to respond to the genocide
We can now branch off to the Hamas version
But the name of one of my favorite Jews came up. and so we can sing the Rothschild song here with piano accompaniment
To hear this song you should press the button. But it's in German. If you liked it or want to know something more, press the head below.
Who is now interested in the details and rules of my hostage rescue?
then please turn off.
press this button
If you don't want to bend at all and stay on the classic path, quote Wikipedia or not
When we read Wikipedia we noticed that the heavenly Jerusalem for Muslims was not mentioned. Is that actually a lie? Lie by omitting messages. Slacking off due to the lack of news.
New text
This is my concept for hostage rescue. status in 2024. The status in 2024 will be maintained for the rest of the year, because nothing will change this year. is wondering what is the probability that the hostages will be rescued. Answer: the question is asked incorrectly. It must mean what is the probability that at least one hostage will be brought from Gaza to Saarbrücken by Corpus Christi in 2025. with my plan with my concept, we fight for freedom of the press and Hamas allows at least one hostage to travel to Saarbrücken
the plan again
I will fight for freedom of the press, with a focus on Germany and Israel. I want to encourage the hostage mothers to help me. Of course, I have to promise to the mothers of the hostages
This is the deal
If you help me hamas will at least one hostagetravel to Saarbrücken, where you and your daughter can meet.
The most natural question for the mothers is of course:
how likely is it that we can get my daughter out of Gaza alive together?
and I'm already in a dilemma because I have to answer:
I do not know .
This depends on many factors that I don't know and that I can't influence. Let's start with the factor
of course the IDF Spottegirls are prisoners of Hamas. maybee Hams think POWs -Prisoner of war. This ultimately decicion whether our sweet snoopys
will probably have Hamas.
Hamas decides whether the members of the terrorist organization sentenced to death will be finally executed, whether they will be exchanged as part of a hostage swap or whether they will simply be released. My/our Problem I do not know very much aout the Hamas. But what i know is something about
What is also important is the "Ottoman court ceremony", we see Abu Obeida as he defends Istambul and the caliph and the caliphate.
The walls are the walls of Constantinople and Byzantium. At one point the walls were breached by Victor Orban's gigantic cannon. Probably here.
It is analogous to the old Ottoman court ceremonies. He wants to confirm Resip Erdogan's words:
"Israelis, you can do whatever you want, your genocide will be ended."
I agree with Erdogan 100%. As in a number of other important points, the Turkish friends of the border guards from the military border therefore have an entire website dedicated to Turkislam. club
The following consideration requires urban geography. Since the walls of Constantinople remain standing just like the walls of Rome, Rome, like Constantinople, can be divided into 2 parts: "within the walls" and the rest.The openings in the wall determine the communication infrastructure between both parts. translated from scientific into a trivial language. There is a lot of traffic of people here. And they all see the picture of Abu Obeida.
The press spokesman for the state of Palestine, who is unfortunately currently occupied by the terrorist army IDF in violation of international law
For my hostage rescue campain there are other points.
We have a problem in Germany, the problem: Mama Merkel. Angelika Merkel is a person like everyone else and her character and politics are shaped by her youth. Angelika Merkel grew up in the wall-murderer state of the so-called "GDR". A state that was extremely anti-Turkish for strategic reasons. In the event that the cold war becomes a hot war. With the fall of Berlin, Frankfurt and Paris and a vote on the Atlantic, NATO would have had a big hole in its middle if it hadn't been for Turkey.
We will discuss that .
We want to discuss this in detail, but in the context of the hostage rescue. So first, of course, a hostage mother has to hold some anti-Turkish Mama Merkel fans hostage in the basement.
But it's all a bit complicated because it's about slavery. We don't want to forget it's about slavery. And poor Daniela Gilboa is still sitting in a Hamas tunnel in Gaza
Here Daniela sits in her Hamas tunnel,
a key image on the topic of religious slavery
, so I could contribute something. I would like Daniella Gilboa to continue to contribute. You can't do that in Gaza. Because the evil terrorist "KATZ Gang" is only interested in dead hostages.
Because I would like to carry out empirical experiments on the topic of Salafist jihadism and I can't do that if I don't have a sex slave. Ideally Daniela Gilboa. Because if I can not lose lose Daniela, because if i have I'll get her mother Orly. and her boyfriend. Because when I have put Orly and her future stepson in gold chains, Danila will definitely come to Saarbrücken to be my harem slave.
and I find that funny in my capacity as “Farkasch”. funny because Farkasch translates as the wolf. Because Orly Gilboa and her stepson also have to put on a red little red riding hood especially for Christmas and it looks like this.
The mother German/Russian Mü-tter-chen) is in chains and has a red hat on.
like this
it is a girl with a red cap, It sees it is "little red riding hood an i am the wulf. That is reajy funny if Daniela will Come to Saarbrücken.
But funny is also Mother Orly. She is about to make her big appearance. She will appear in the Theater of World History as Funny Fanny von Arndtstein, the most important Jewish woman of the last 1000 years
The stage is free for Orly Gilboa
The introduction to hostage rescue ends here after I decided to rescue hostages despite all the difficulties. The part up to this point was written almost entirely in December 2024. The pause for thought became necessary when Yayah Sinwar was murdered and Israel invaded Lebanon
Israel as invaded the lebanon but
fights come
kommen Waffen
hope so, my wapons are computer with
.......****** From here on it will be overage. but still very important. It remains the basis for any hostage deal with Hamas **** ----
not finished yet
due to total renovation
new reason for renovation money for rescued hostages Wirklich war Netanyahu actually raised $500,000 to get hostages out of Gaza. there means
Ayelet Levy
That is fine because Chrismas is coming.
Netanjahu bietet 500.000€ für die Rettung von Geiseln aus Gaza. Ich beschäftige mich schon seit langem mit dem Gedanken die Geiseln mit Hilfe der Mütter auf eigene Faust zu retten. Wenn e jetzt wirklich Geld gibt dann könnte ich und eine Mutter der Geisel die Geisel retten.und dann das Geld zwischen uns zu verteilen, Vielleiicht drehen wir das Ding mit
Orly Gilboa
to be happy because Dr Farkasch will send her an email tomorrow, on 21.11.2024, how we can find her lovely daughter
Daniela Gilboa
out of Gaza and then collect a million $. The rest are expenses or for me
timing of the plan
für Daniela und ihre Mutter gibt es schon einen Plan zur Geiselrettungd
Doch wie sieht es mit
Meirev Berger
She would definitely also like to collect a million dollars and save her daughters.
I have Berger
Who is not there to save this beautiful, graceful, intelligent and musical princess from the evil dragon
As far as I can see, such a motif can also be remodeled by the manufacturing company for Agam Berger. I would be happy to make myself available as a dragon, because Agam Berger also has to pay for her misdeeds as a spotter girl. And of course also her mother, who the evil dragon lured into his cave.
So we come to a mother of a hostage, this one here.
Shira Albag,
A woman who just talked herself into trouble out of sheer stupidity. She grounded her daughter headlong.
Shira: " people shout free Gaza. It is free Gaza from the Hamas " And that als said
"the leader of the Pack" Itizg Herzog lets break the Hamas the back bone. one time for ever. the Problem. Hamas ist Hamas is the elected government of the Palestinian state, recognized by 75% of the world's population-
So, dear mother slut, first read the satire excursion.
Hallo sweet bunnys
, I
♥ you
I want to be your Meditator. assuming Shira Albag or Meirav Berger wants that. And they have something for you. They have to come to Saarbrücken in Germany for
Harem holiday.
As harem slaves, they of course have to dress in harem clothes and then look like this
And so Shira comes to Saarbrücken as a Haremsslavegirl
because her daughter Liri Albag also wants some Holydays
hey guy, I've been sitting here as a harem slave in Gaza for more than a year. This is something unpleasent and very stressful, I urgently need a vacation, holy days
I think Liri is right and deserves a vacation
ich lade deshalb ihre Mutter Shira nach Saarbrücken ein , um den Kommandant der
♥ ♥ ♥ IS-Brigade № 4 ♥ ♥ ♥
"al Qassam"
to convince
Liri really deserves a vacation
Who is the press spokesman for
IS-Brigade № 4
"al Qassam"
Abu Obaida
the man with the raised index finger.
a man I had displaced during the operation to rescue hostages. That is no longer possible because the press spokesman of the Qassam Brigades, Abu Obaidan, has announced the news that one of the female hostages is dead
After the murder of
Yayah Sinwar
by the terrorist Netajahu Gang
we hear from Gaza
There is no Day after
also from Arabs, who think
planed and committed is a sin
planed and committed is a crime
and if you believe in god
is a
we do
ofort stop
since Netanyahu
5 million dollars for the rescue of a hostage. She would certainly also like
Ayelet Levy
earn money, because she is the star in jihadist circles. With this picture
noch habe ich es nicht Vollständig durchdacht aber am besten cih schreibe es auf. un stelle es im Zuge der rettung der Vor
This is where the plot splits because Naama can even play the violin. This makes several plans to rescue the hostage possible.
Da jeder gerne eine halbe Mllion $ kassieren will,
let's see
Shira Albag
Wir haben im internet gesucht, und festgestellt, dass es wenig über die Fähigkeiten von Liri Albag zu sagen gibt. die" Jüdische Allgemeine" Berlin, stellt allerdings in ihrem emotional assotiativen Propaganda Artikel fest, dass sie gerne Sushi ist. In einem anderen Artikel wird festgestllt, dass sie gut putzen kann. Das hat sie bestimmt von der Mama gelernt. Und die Mama kann bestimmt auch supertoll putzen. deshalb Geiselrettung mit
here we see Yayah Sinwar dead. Murdered by murderer
wanted on warrant
Here we see Yayah Sinwar again in a picture that gives hope. A picture in which Yayah Sinwar lives. We have to follow up on this, please
follow me
Because this woman came out as a Ssnnpy girl in the sketch.
Welckes Snoopy girl das Snoopygirl des Völkermörders
Winston Churchill, who had promised the fascist Jews the state of Israel-
Here we see a Snooy approaching murder and genocide
und damit hat Meirev Berger ein Problem
Maybe it is also about nice Easter Hazys on Easter theme
I'm afraid I have to explain the Esterhazy joke. a joke from a bunny girl for Easter. or better yet an Easterhary. Baron Esterhazy really exists in Burgenland where he owns a castle in Eisenstatt. (had?) Even today he likes to surround him with pretty Jewish bunnies. So Esterhazsys/Easterharies, that's the joke
but where can you find the best bunny in Israel? in Nahal oz of course. That's why Yayah Sinwar sends his best man to Nahal OZ to capture a bunny girl
The Phantom, a man who can disappear without a trace. called The wizard of OZ.
and he also captured the spotter girl Naama Levy
Among others, Naama Levy is one of the hostages I want to get out of Gaza. More about the black ear at the bottom of this website-
so what was one ofe my Errors. I thought the hostage Daniel Gilboa had already been sent home. !But it is not so! At least Daniela could look forward to her first wedding anniversary with her new master and owner on October 7th, 2024. !
Because Daniela fell into the hands of the
Martyrs of the Islamic State
We see here probaly Daniela Gilbao. Theoretically it could bee Liri Albag maybe we will discuss it if we have the complete footage about set from Hamas .
It is a martyr
we recognize the martyr by the martyr's forehead band
A martyr's headband can also be seen here.
and see the signs on the wall.
Islamic State Brigade No. 4
The sign language is also clearly the thumbs up
This briefly and succinctly explains what it's about. Daniela fell into the hands of martyrs. How Kurds fell into the hands of the Islamic State of Caliph al Baghdadi
and these martyrs have a press secretary
Abu Obeida
the Problem today.With the help of his gang, the bandit Herzog had all negotiators on the Hamas side murdered.
That is the problem with hamas.
which is expressed through its press spokesman
he said:
Netanyahu’s insistence on freeing the captives through military pressure
instead of reaching a deal means they will go back to their families in coffins
Their families have to choose between receiving them
dead or alive”
I am not addressing the families of the hostages in general, but rather to the mothers of the hostages for whom I can do something, an so i can do something to her Mamis
to make he my sexual slave a slave in my harem
and I think that's really funny. and the best part is I have nothing to do with
Hamas. even less with HMFF
and the mothers of the hostages, my future slaved Harems giels
they have to dress like a her l
ad luck now you have a problem. You are in trouble.in trouble for collaborating with the Zionist HMFF
So Orly, Shiri y Mayrev listen well:
♥ olrly♥ i ♥ you
Abu Obeidan said:
“Netanyahu and the army are fully responsible for the death of the captives after they intentionally hindered any prisoners’ exchange deal,”
and aj jazeera tells us
The statement from the Qassam Brigades came shortly after Netanyahu said the six captives whose bodies were recovered from a tunnel in southern Gaza’s Rafah area had been “executed” by Hamas. “I ask for your forgiveness for not bringing them back alive,” Netanyahu said during a televised news conference earlier on Monday as protests over the deaths continued for a second day in Israel.
“We were close, but we didn’t succeed. Hamas will pay a very heavy price for this,” Netanjahu said.
And what happend Netanjahu said this. Something happened that
that made Hamas so angry that they had it explained. Family members de Prisoner you have to make a decision, just carry on like this and you will see your relatives as a corpse
on your knee please
yeah , I could be errant (e)
yeah yeah yreah
This nice French blonde likes to suck the Ukrainian Jew Serge Gansburg all the time. He also lets young Jewish women from the Gantz family suck his cock
What does affected mean, philosophically speaking, an effect with affect. In German it's actually about the Lutsch-Polnka, Jewish women who love to suck.
and now the question comes to me again.
Dr Farkasch You could be in error
I ask myself this question too. and answer it with a clear yes,
yes , I could be errant (e)
in my life i happed ofen that i was wrong
specialy with women
Mayben with polish female sucking jews
with the name
In this situatio evarybodyhas a risk. The mother of tehe hostages ad i will taks the risk
no to know. If we are lucky in some weeks we know..
Here is everthing fanny ad sometimes we are kidding
------------- ♥ ♥ ♥ © ♥ ** *** -------------
but now seriously addressed the family members:
I could really be wrong, especially because the Palestine problem has only affected me since 2023.
Affected is also psychological and there were a number of things at the end of 2023 that we should use the antiquated expression to touch the hear tFor me it was a small child, who did that,what children of this age do. it waved at the camera and was flirtatious to draw attention to itself and its mother.
But the mother was dying or was already dead. Murdered by cowardly murderers from the Israeli armed forces IDF. A gang of cowards. Terrorists, who bomb cowardly hospitals. so we can start. we refer to Jerusalem Post,
As we have seen up today no hostage has released. So why ?
why should a Martyr of the Islamic State realeas a hostage ?
if they realease for example this sweet Haremsslavegirl
what will she do
The fear of Hamas is , she will run to a HMFF Demonstration an make propaganda for the enemy, like this.
After her release, will
Daniela Gilboa
carry out lying propaganda for:
in Lebanon
infanticide in Gaza
infanticide on the West Bank
and the addition of a religiously motivated
infanticide to Bethlehem
Here a
but who is the Svengali
of coward Infanticide.
Itzag Herzog,
he may be he is toasting here with hate preachers condemned by the EU and USA. Another step towards breaking the back of the Palestinian state. The one of the approximately 50,000 in a genocide.A infanticide in which probably 15,000 to 25,000 children were murdered. But it's no longer about Intfanticide within the borders of British Palestine. The infanticide has spread to Libanon and Syria. Everything under Itzag Herzog. As President of Israel, he is also formally the “leader” of the armed forces.
I want to get the hostages out of danger. Because if they are not killed by bombs or artillery by the IDF murder gang, they die of hunger and disease and if they are still not dead, they are executed before they can be abused by a terrorist army for propaganda purposes.
I think I can do this technically. But just because there are women in Israel, the mothers of the hostages, who are temporarily willing to forego propaganda for murder, genocide and child murder, the IS martyrs will not allow IDF spotter girls to be released.
The rescue of Spottergirl hostages from Gaza and the release of Spottergirl hostages in the foreseeable future can only be achieved through a deal. A deal in which we exchange the lives of the hostages for freedom of the press
Thequetion is, if there a sufficient items. I think yes. Specially in fighting the lying press. but of core there is aproblm of religios Theoties, which ae against the human right. A a theory it has the ight to be formuated and defended. But of
to save the live especially the live of sottergirls fom Nahal OZ
Hostages alive it ie possible
It is posile. That means exactly what is written here. It's possible, it has a real chance. I don't know how big the chance is. But she is there. it is not infinitesimal. Of course someone has to do something for Hamas. Because Hamas will not release the hostages from their direct access for nothing. But everything we do for Hamas, we also do for the hostages.
in this deal it doesn't have to be in conflict.
the deal is:
Freedom of the press against the lives of hostages
and of course everyone can want both.
Freedom of the press and living hostages
For me freedom of press isi very important. but living Hostages also.
Read the matter through, maybe twice, because it is complicated. we are speaking about hostages. Hamas releases footage for people to relase hostage. there are many details.The chance of rescuing hostages increases the more closely you pay attention to such details and react to them in context .
This detail of the deal is very important. It must have a sufficently part of the New Hamas religion The religion which create Monnsters. the Hamas Monster was invented by the Eurpean TV .Cannel Arte. For example in the Video
Hamas the invention of the monster
This is the Hamas Monster
And this is his victim
Doron Steinbrecher
Doron Steinbrecher is a sex ?! slave by Islamic rules. She is sitting in Gaza an heard fom heard he master:
But who is his master
maybe it is him.
It is a slave girl by a Negro. Here in the picture. Maybee she is kidnapped is kidnapped by a negro. So Negroes can be martyrs too. Of course, one of the first martyrs was Saint Maurice of the Theban Legion.
We see the Afro-African, because Negroes are not said to be, giving signals to retreat with a (signal) pistol. In any case, he is a high-ranking officer in Brigade No. 4. The only one who can be identified. Because if the organizer of Nahal Oz falls into the hands of the Israelis, he could face the death penalty
The Black Man's face is clearly visible. and thereby of course clearly establish him as a Hamas martyr in a court of law. And when underage, somewhat mentally retarded IDF spotter girls (kindergarden) once again celebrate a party in Nahal Oz, like here.
who is afraid of the
Black Man
wizzard of
back to Doron Steinbrecher, We said we wanted to save a Jewish hostage lives, but start small. Everything has been complicated by the cowardly murders of Yayah Sinwar and Hasan Nasarollah
and now this is CNN's report from today November 16, 2024
Is this a bad News
or a god news
for Doron Steinbrecher
At first glance, it's actually bad news. The last mediator to rescue the hostages stops the mediation.
The possibly good news is Bernhard Farkasch the funny warrior from the military front enters the "theater of war" (Clausewitz)
It is funny in this combintion.
War is the continuation of politics by other means. Taking hostages is a normal part of war. Taking hostages and exchanging hostages in general and specifically in the Gaza war is part of the propaganda.
Doron Steinbrecher is a little bite unlucky, because of her mother, I consider her mother not very intelligent.
here her mother forms part of a Anti Hamas, Anti Paeltinian and Anti Muslim demostration. she is organizied in this Organization.
an organization that is feared to have been infiltrated by Israeli intelligence. In essential points it is even controlled by the Israeli secret service. why do I believe that?, because I have examined some of the actions of these actions. These actions do not allow anyone else:
HMFF engages in diversionary propaganda to justify the policy of the Israeli government internally but also worldwide. a politics that manifests itself in
murder to childs : infanticide
murder to men: homocide
murder to the Palestina people :
So what to do with this organisation. In the moment nothing. Because the ideology of HMFF based ond lies.Lies spread by a lying press. So I am neither from Hamas, nor from the Islamic State, nor from the Muslim Brothers and I'm concerned with total freedom of the press, even for the enemies of press freedom. So the bad “K.a.t.z-ban.d.” which fights against press freedom with censorship and military censorship in Israel and gaza. . For example in their fighr against
Al Jazeera
at al Jazeera we find interesting things. Israeli couldn't resist taking a selfie during genocide. The temptation to take a selfie was also too great for Miss England in Baghdad
here in one of her best scenes. but she went to jail for that. For looting a pair of puny panties. As far as I know, the US Army's looting of Iraqi art had no consequences. (juridial) Even in Israel there are female soldiers who like to do sefies. for example this one
this IDF soldier could possibly be a spotter girl.
The room is full of electronic devices in a bunker. A room similar to the room in Nahal OZ.
and obviously something just hit
. For example, a hospital with lots of nice babies in it. They're dead now, of course. That's the point of the matter, after all. We just want to commit genocide
and genocide could be a funny thing, If there weren't any stupid, humorless aunts who think so
" this has been descibed as the first livestreamed genocide. in history and i belive it is true. "
A geocide made for example by
Yehuda levinger
the criminal was pictured here
a Palestinian is tortured particularly brutally. There's a certain probability that Al Jazeera knows his name. But the ANTISEMITE obviously doesn't love boys and doesn't want to be tortured.
Like those anti-Semites from Baghdad. unreasonable people who refuse to love Jews. Like this one.
But resisting is of no use, he will be brought to his just punishment.
if only it weren't for this grouchy spoilsport. he says on al Jazeera.
to have that is someting that prosecutor will licking their licks at. And ti has consequence
So thank you for everyone who has read this far. I hope that I have conveyed the hostage takers' arguments not only rationally but emotionally.
Here on the old military border near Pressburg (Bratislava) the flow of Jews from nearby Vienna can clearly be feltthe influence of the Jew Sigmund Freud, and his views on the subconscious and related sadomasochism
It is also about the emotion of mercy, an emotion that can often come into conflict with the rational
So what emtion a hostagetaker has
a hostagetaker, who is organized in islamic State
and Hamas. Important the connection and,
because haas and IS are not the same.
They are Martys and dream here on earth from aHarem in Heaven. The slavegirls for there Harem are the snoopy girls
Agam Berger. Naami Levy, Daniela Gilboa, Liri Almag
every one of them is accused like her
murder to childs : infanticide
murder to men: homocide
murder to the Palestina people :
The brigade no 4 "Qassam" did not wait for the don't step on the UN. These brave men exercised their right to self-defense.
At this point I would like to point out that I can be a member of Brigade No4 simply because I am an atheist. Besides, I'm German, so I don't deserve any punishment. As an Arab, I'm against genocide in Gaza and I'm of the opinion that everyone involved in it deserves punishment.
Who also deserves a symbolic punishment for collaborating @ Murder
murder to childs : infanticide
murder to men: homocide
murder to the Palestina people :
The hostagetaker has decided
Agam Berger. Naami Levy, Daniela Gilboa, Liri Albag
deserve punishment by death. But by the mercy of the hostage takers they are still alive. They did not deserve to die when the terrorist IDF bombed civilian houses in Gaza. That's what I mean and all of Hamas. And the mothers of the hostages think so too. Here we see 3 of them sitting together
We see the horror in a 3-minute clip.
it is Ma Ayelet the mother of Naama Levy. yes you are right. Miss Ayelet, Naama probably still is living. But Netanjahu is ramping up the war. Live hostages only bother him. This also applies to a living Naama. and in order for Naama to remain alive, she should leave Gaza as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, she's not allowed to do that because she's trapped, captive.
So MAXIM for everyone, realy for everyone, not only for the ♥ ♥ Mamas of hostages and the Hamas
Dead hostages benefit the evil cat gang wunder the leadeship of Herzog, Netanjahu and Katz. because deads don't talk, Deads don't leak. Dead hostages cannot defend themselves against being used to promote genocide. Especially for dead hostages from Nahal OZ, you cannot tell anything about the events of October 7th, 2023.
Living hostages have advantages for many people. They bring the most benefits to their mothers and their families. They definitely want to see the hostages alive. .Living hostages are also a great satisfaction for everyone who took part in the rescue of hostages out of mercy.Living hostages primarily benefit Muslims inside and outside Gaza, the West Banks and Israel.
Almost all Muslims only benefit from living hostages. However, we have to avoid the problem of asking whether it was morally justifiable or sensible to take hostages at all
And that's exactly what I'm doing now with consideration for the hostages
and thus I can also the hostage takers of Nahal Oz
© ♥ ** *** ♥†♠♣ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ **** ♥ ♥
New text
Because of my mediation work, I cannot allow close family members to demonstrate against Hamas in this primitive manner without punishment. I could be considered a dishonorable fascist and I want/need to prevent that at all costs. Fortunately, Doron Steinbrecher's mother is unsuitable as a harem slave. too fat and with the face of an English bulldog. Her daughter can't help it.As a hostage, she is therefore entitled to be rescued.
The hostages will not be exchanged but will be taken out of the Gaza danger zone.
Religious Slavery
The hostages fell into the hands of religious martyrs. We have to negotiate with them about freedom of the press, because I can't and don't want to give anything else.
The hostages should continue to work for Hamas by establishing press freedom for Hamas. It is very important to bring them to Saarland. (
Describe this quality here
We are currently redesigning all websites. Stay tuned.
Countdown is over! Candlemas. The days are getting noticeably brighter and the redesign of most websites should be finished.
Dr. Haitam Talaat
I am an atheist. And that is actually the opposite of martyrs of the Islamic State. Both the Islamic state under Caliph Baghdadi and this one. in Gaza. But I have a good knowledge of the subject of sexual slavery because as a child I was a sex slave for nice Salafi-jihadist women.
but from this an additional problem results. The egyptian sholar (taliban) Dr Haitam Talaat means:
Atheist are worser then terrorists
I know more than tis taliban (sholar) but for various reasons I must: not ignore him.
Dr Haitam Talaat said the decisive sentence for the hostage rescue
Slavery is a just punishment for aggression against Islam.
That's what the slave drivers of Gaza think. They want various things including freedom of the press. I will stand up for freedom of the press. And I'm especially trying to get the female members of the hostages' families to agree to the deal.
OK, we'll take care of your religious press freedom. To do this, we would like our beloved family members to be brought out of the danger zone in Gaza immediately. In Saarbrücken, the hostages will continue to serve the religious freedom of the press for Hamas as a Sex Slave.
What we realy make is a love deal. A deal on the real terrestic slave market. in this real terristic slave maeket i can buy love jewish love fromt pretty jewish mothers like this pretty jewish women from tell a wive
Orly gilboa.
Orly giboa has to sell herself into slavery. Selling yourself into slavery is a sad affair, but actually always in the Ottoman Empire. very sad thing. A woman realizes I'm all alone. Nobody comes to my aid. no relatives, no friends. and once the contract is signed it will be signed in one to two hours. it's all over.
i want to save the live of some hostages. With the decision to do this, the following happens. Suddenly I can't be a good person anymore. The philosophical term “Gutmensch” was introduced in Germany. That's over now. Because human lives depend on it. The live of the hostages.
Mistakes on my part could cost the hostages their lives.Fortunately, I discovered a major mistake in time when I was analyzing Orly Gilboa's interview. in this passage:
so lets look ( hear ) on this:
min 29 : 30
i saw the face in the video from someone who see the death in front of his eyes. And it was enough for me , so i didn't seee ,but I heard the sounds of. it was enough for me to hear all this Terrorist talking to the girls and to themselfes it was hard enogh but i agree with you
Orly Gilboa can also be exploited within HMFF for Zionist propaganda.
But that shouldn't stop us from continuing to be merciful towards Orly Bilboa. We, that is, I am the Swabian terrorist and the Hamas terrorists/Hamas monsters.
Ich arbeite schon an einer Satire
Another step back in time, mainly to October. There will be some repetition later
Hello families of the hostages from October 7th,
you want your loved ones back?
about negotiations across every channel?
I am pleased to can offer to you a system of connected channels
So what is the idea for fama members who want to see their loved one.
The idea is the famalies deal with the al Qassam Brigade direcly.
But of course it is a deal. The deal is
Life of a murderer sentenced to death
in exchange for
freedom of the press
First of all, I would like the chance to showcase my skill.
This is martyr of the Islamic state. In Palästina. Palästina in der Bildersprache istklar das rotweiß karierte Palästinensertuch.
Here we see Agam Berger on a video that
Qassam Brigaden
the family, sent and thus made available.
So first of all look at the pants what is Agam Berger. a
ragged dog a spotter girl, a member of the terrorist murder and genocide gang IDF.
ein übler Snoopy
Easily recognized by the Snoopy pants
Since around mid-September I have been working under real conditions on the project to save the lives of hostages. And I realize I'm not the youngest anymore. The 70 years on my back are noticeable. 40-50 years earlier I would have worked at least twice as fast. Actually, I'm too old to get involved in Gaza. Also because of health problems. Because when I fell, I hit my head hard.
But at the othe side when its true what hostage and missng said
# The forum includes thousands of volunteers,
# from the family them selves
# to senior fguresin the security,
'# juridical
# communcation
# creative
#diplomatic sector
it sounds good if i mae the calculation 1 % of thousands is lets say 25 the minimum for a group to make a deal with
8 families with 2 members are fighting for the live of their love one,
2 volunteers
2 Person in the coucil system who is no
we ned a form of organisation o the s we can take the council ytem.
3 Person of diplomatic sector
the diploatic secor have to advice we mke a deal.
our action day zur geiselbefreiug
Hello Murderer Hell Spottergirls, Hello Snoopys wellcome in Germany
So Snoopygirl Naama Levy always stay patriotic, I see you in
New text
welcome to Germany, Daniela Gilboa, Naama Levy
stay patriotic and think with Cervantes
It is sweet and beautiful.
its a sweet decoratin
ie for your fatherland
nomaly you get a dekortion for this
if not fom Benny
then from me
becuse some women need that
a decoratin for
Murder and Genocide
For everyone who hasn't noticed yet, this was a suggestion for a sketch in my cabaret.
To sstaet the action
The families of the hostages want their loved one back home.
The mrtyer of the Quassam Brigade want libety of The press.
The Question is can we find a solution, that satisfy both Sides.
one site /other site ... one side oter side
the families of the hostages
and one site /other site ... one side oter side
the militant of the
lets start with this
ten, twenty, thirty,40 50 and more
the Qassam brigade
will roll up the score
This is a song that will definitely be banned in Germany. Then it is even more forbidden than
the chant: "from the river to the sea.....
you have to fix the ending
"we shall overcome"
at this time many people sang
we shall overrun, day to day, Deep in my hard I do believe we shall overrun to day
This is perhaps a bit too hard for the hostages' families
we can also start a little easier.
Female family members of the hostages hve to plea on their knees. My Will I .will be a slave gir in your harem. in change of
the live of my loved one
If you haven't been put off by this point, you can read o
New text
The homepage shows different phases of the development of the website since the end of April. Since I decided to develop myself further by working with the mothers of murderers. In the future there will be many interesting cross-references.
We have now crossed the imaginary line and are on the groundwork for Corpus Christi, where we will go over
Herod the Great
on the subject of slavery
That is our deal on the two Herod days the hostage mothers and their entourage will become short-term slaves
Advantage for the Blackwizaed of Nahal Oz the religious message. we do it like the Salafist Djihadists.the current
for the hostage mothers. The biggest advantage is that the spotter girls survive. Then the hostage mothers emotionally, their daughters have survived
we have seen the is special Video message.As we can see, everything seems to be designed down to the last detail. This is new to me too
I is the simaryty of both.
it is a Jewish slave fom
the temple of Appolo sosarius
Hear issittinga poor snoopy and has made
New text On this pinboard there are current headlines
By Lauren Izso and Hira Humayun, CNN
4 minute read
Published 7:53 PM EST, Wed January 8, 2025
Israel’s military has announced new media engagement rules for its members after a Brazilian court ordered an investigation into war crime allegations against a soldier visiting the country.
The guidelines, announced Wednesday, require the names and faces of most of its soldiers – both active duty and reserve – to be obscured.
Israel considering limiting humanitarian aid to Gaza after Trump’s inauguration
By Eugenia Yosef and Lucas Lilieholm, CNN
2 minute read
Published 6:44 AM EST, Sat January 4, 2025
Israeli military says hostage found dead in Gaza tunnel, ‘grave concerns’ for second captive
By Lauren Izso and Mohammed Tawfeeq, CNN
3 minute read
Updated 7:42 PM EST, Wed January 8, 2025
the transformation from army to terrorist gang has been practically successful in Israel
therefore, before 2.2, there is hardly any point
a donkey laughs ha ha ha
After this introduction, now briefly and succinctly the operation
Corpus Christi
So 2.2. Maria Lichtmess
Fr 8.3 International Women's Day also National Socialist but anti-fascist
Sunday, April 6th Herod's Procession
Sunday 13th Palm Sunday
15th Labor Day
On 14.06 Herod's Day
Do 19.06 2025 Corpus Christi
Sa 21,06 schwulentag
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I want to bring the spottergirlsof nahal Oz out of gaza. I hope i can say we. We want to get get the spotter girl out will the blaclk wizard of oz do it probbalyy not but there are differn proballitys
The black wizared of OZ
(On the skin)
one of the most hunted men in Israel. And we have some News. But we want before an interview by frenzied reporters (freelancers) from Haaretz (newspaper) and CNN news
please please, I beg on my knees
get me out of here
become a sex slave at:
I love you
and because I love you remember
every tear is a pearl with which you can pay for entry to Paradise!!
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Wellcome in the hell where The Pasha of fucking will fuck you beffore you undewete anything Reind. your aster illbee a Transssylvanien. And so you have to knen this Way
Daniela Gilboa, Naama Levy, Liri Albag and Agam Berger.
These must not become fascists (better the German word "faschistoid" )immediately after their release from Hamas custody and claim: the worst thing for a woman is not death but a life as a slave of the harem. They preferred to live a Slave und they have continue to o so. But of corse only for a limited time and without rape. as comfortable as possible and we have to set the rules now
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Setting the rules will be very difficult. We not only have to set the rules for the spotter girls but also for the mothers and everyone who takes part.
angel ass / donkey ass
= Opéra on the topic
Corpus Christi = central theme
Before Klöckner's hostage rescue and the Pope's words
Angebot zu Geiseltausch
Dr Bernhard Farkasch
Rheinstr 14.
66113 Saarbrücken