Papst, Worte des ;

Worte des Papstes


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But before it really gets started, the woman makes a mistake. It's about the term Epiphany. She claims that people used to think that Jesus of Nazareth was only born on January 6th. The statement is illogical. Jesus must have been born first and then kings or magicians can pay homage to him and what does the king, the king of the Caesar, do during a homage? He appears normally on the balcony, says Hans Moser. The emperor does not come on the balcony, he appears. The commentators also think that Epfania is a good witch who missed the adoration of the baby Jesus. We'll give you the link to the Internet.

6.1 Masses

doch jetzt kommt der Anfang der Messe und die fängt so an der Papst sagte

de peace be with you, FAR Arabic salem aleikum:

Pope: Aware that we are south, let us implore the mercy of God.

FAR for God is the most merciful.

Pope confessed to omnipotence

Far reformulated God is almighty, or since God is almighty I must have seen him

This is followed by Kyrie Far which we must rephrase Lord have mercy. Remain Lord in heaven have mercy here on earth have mercy,

and now we sing

Gloria in escelsis deo

Unfortunately, my Latin is no longer fluent in this area either, but we are working on it with Psalms and Answer Psalm

This man believes in the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth has won, everyone brings him gifts. Unfortunately the man is in Italian, and since Germans don't speak Italian it should be translated and it would be correct.

We actually wanted to watch the live broadcast of Epiphany. Unfortunately we couldn't find it straight away on Vatican News. This time the live broadcast is not coming from the same team as usual, but from KTV, which we are hereby introducing to the interested public. At least KTV was quick. Within about an hour the mass was on the internet. However, there was no sound. The sound only starts after 13 minutes. Now an extrasantus in between.


then in Vulgar Latin

afterwards the Easter letter Christmas probably nht

preaches clearly for all to see and shows the way. ppt Magi = stargazers and star multi cultural and now welcoming culture really translated like that. during the welcoming culture and then our father. and god's dream dreams god he is the alpha and omega he is the almighty dreams of something about multicultural of course and welcoming culture. So the sermon was probably nothing

then the creed begins I believe in one God

now the people are singing and there is no commentary. nothing of pepp that was a big advantage of the2,

intercession for Pope in Polish. for government and then in Chinese missionary for

Scientists on suhahei intercessions used to be asking not to go to hell

The candles are in the wrong place. They have nothing to do with the 7-armed candlestick of the Jews. And the sanctus is wrong. This is also not wrong. It must be right at the beginning with the confession of faith.

we still have 40000 we could ask them individually. Also with the sacrament no sacrament but mysterious mistrium and that was Tetullian who suspected the Arianisus, And

arus er wollte das es Sakramentum heist, in diesem Punkt haben sich mein befürchtet und nun kommt das Pater noster im vulgärem Latein  Wie gesagt sardinisch ist nicht schlecht und dann wieder gehte hinin frieden saln aleikum muss die messe heißen  und or allem keine sinnlosen iallienische Weihnachtlieder.Die ganze sache ohne kommentar alles verwandelt siczu kunstgenuss prottantisch nur die Qualität itst

And finally the anchor as a symbol of hope. Here we see my mother's anchor.

now with the live broadcast. English version, he says it's Sunday, he notices that it's Monday, small slip of the tongue, nothing happens. but he stumbles again, he says kings, no magicians of course

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