hamas 2013

The New Face of Hamas: Miss Mudallal and the Media

Finally a new image: Hamas has hired a young, English-speaking single mother as its first female press spokesperson. Israa al-Mudallal is primarily supposed to seek dialogue with Western media. So far she's actually done a pretty good job - if it weren't for "the officials."

By Marc Röhlig

14.11.2013, 13:34 Uhr

What a coup! She is young, pretty, religious, speaks perfect English and, what a bonus, she is a woman. Israa al-Mudallal seems as if a PR consultant had cast her especially for Hamas: an eloquent, smiling counterpart to the permanently grim, bearded men. The radical Islamic Palestinian party does exist...

ich der Pascha von ficking stellt eigentlich twas anderes fest  2013 die hamas stellt auf moderne Methoden um. Nicht nur im Krieg sondern auch in de Propaganda

so wie clausewitz lehrt:

War is the continuation of politics by other means

retro wade
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