
Welcome Ory, right to stay so strong

Of course, mothers have to do that if they have a daughter who is hanged the next day. Executed, said Hamas spokesman Abu Obeidan.

Hello orly sweet ,sweet little  mausy

Hello I am Lumpy, the press officer of the Palestinian police. My police officers are keen to catch Israeli spotter girls

This is a construction site for the ideal breakthrough in the hostage negotiations.

We mean of course the HOSTAGE NEGOTIATIONS that we (the mothers of the hostages and I) The mothers of the hostages are cynically personified here by Orly Gilboa

For us on the military border, Corpus Christi was one of the most important church festivals, right after Christmas and the East. The purpose was a public demonstration and a triumphal march, the triumphal march for our king, the true king of the Jews.

From the blood of David. And he triumphs. No comparison to the most successful king of the Jews to date, King Herod

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observes a foot and hears the song of the dreadful idiom

Herodesals er in einer großen Ptozessin am Paafest einzug nach jerusalem hiet

and all of Jerusalem sang psalms of joy to its king, sang to King Herod similarly


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Footnotes are definitely needed

for example in slavery when we get kicked in the balls like this Jew from Tel Aviv

Hello families of the hostages from October 7th,

you want your loved ones back?

about negotiations across every channel?

I am pleased to can offer to you a system of connected channels

It is a channel of love, understanding, mercy and against hate. and this channel closes immediately when hate Jews who listen to hate preachers speak out.

Hate Jews like Israel Katz

Our canal system runs through Turkey to Jerusalem and then to Palestine, where the hostages are. Details in the column on the right


           ║             ║

           ║        Istambul ══╗

           ║             ║        Vatican

           ║             ║               ║

           ║       Jerusalem ══╝

           ║              ║

        Gaza  ═ ══╝



══ Istanbul ══╗

                   ║         Vatican


  • In order not to complicate matters, Ankara is missing here as the seat of government of the President of Turkey, President Erdogan. He has, like no other, proposed a two-state solution for the lower Levant; one state is called Israel and the other state is called Palestine.
  • More than 75% of the UN have also done so. Among them is the Vatican City
  • .
  • Consequently, Turkey has appointed an ambassador to the State of Palestine. Özkan Torunlar. The State of Palestine has sent an ambassador to Turkey. Dr Faed Mustafa. One of the most capable diplomats the State of Palestine has.

  • The Pope and Erdogan have already carried out several joint actions. Erdogan is the head of the Hanafi state religion, but Erdogan wisely interferes just as little in religious affairs as Prince Charles, the head of state of Great Britain and its state religion, the Anglican Church.

  • dann gibt e noch das oanisscg´he herrscherhaus.

          ║           ▼


The problem of hostage rescue is that Germany is fundamentally anti-Semitic. Because there is a historical connection between the SPD (Sozis) (Special Democrats) and Jews. The Vice Jew of the World. Josef Schuster. The head of the Jews are the chairman of this association and the vice of the Implied World Jewish Council. Josef Scuster. This Hammas Mary rhet the finger. I believe

he wants to say something.

An il that can save me work that is in the background



Islamic State.

The terrorist organization of Caliph Baghdadi

and that demands

freedom of the press


im Tausch gegen das Leben von Naama Levy, Liri Albag, Agam Berger

Three terrorist IDF spotters

Snoopy Girls sentenced to death!!!

because of

Kinderfolterei Mord und Völkermord

That could have been the demand. In the meantime, for some reason, Naama Levy has been released. And Naama Levy is still proud of being a murderer.

nevertheless we want to make a deal Naama Levy

mit de Leben von

Agam Berger and liri Albag

Although they were/are Snoopy girls

with a sloopy aroung their neck

So snoopygirl Naama Levy always stay patriotic

how about the next murder in the center

Ls snoopygirl it doesn't have to be


Let’s look at the text again.

up in the sky a man in his plane

Baron von Richthoven was his name

eighty men tried and eighty men died

now, they are buried together on the countryside

ten, twenty,thirty forty fifty or more

The bloody Red Baron  was rollin` up the score

eighty en died trying to end that spree

of the bloody red Baron of Germany

Who was  the men with the score of 40, 50 or more

Baron von Boelke

It would of course be useful to write in Wikipedia which people are in the picture. Perhaps it will be Atatürk, the hero of Galipolis. Wiki.

"In his short time as leader of the fighter squadron, Boelcke was very successful. From the beginning of September to the end of October 1916, he shot down 20 enemy aircraft and was at the top of all fighter pilots with a total of 40 recognized aerial victories.

The song Snoopy seems to be ambiguous. no (0 but 40 or %0 or more, because of course kills can be difficult to track in time.

On October 28, 1916, during an aerial combat, his plane collided with that of his comrade Erwin Böhme. One of Boelcke's wings was damaged. He was unable to control the plane as it spiraled to the ground and was killed on impact.

on the subject of Gallipoli the most important sentence is not mentioned.

Hospitals are bombed. Either by aircraft themselves or by gunfire. The person responsible

Winston Churchill

it is pointed out that these are people

Wiston Churchill said:

These are not people, they are Turks.

because it was also about the founding of the State of Israel

to protect the Suez Canal

it was 1915

when the sentence was spoken

these are not people these are Turks

The young Adolf Hitler, who was not yet a National Socialist at the time, heard this sentence. He was certainly also enthusiastic about the flying ace Boelke. In the octopus houses in which there were no people but only Turks, there were also


Before we talk about critical topics such as the Israeli genocide in Gaza, we would first like to discuss a statement from the Federal Government.

Jews in Germany

Jews in Germany entire government article

The first image is immediately noticeable: the Germanic 9-armed candlestick. Question for HMFF: the 7-armed candlestick is well known. It also has its equivalent in Christianity. And now we are at the first satire.

the most important is the Central Council of the Jews

he deserves his own website

Central Council of Jews

The Central Council of Jews is responsible for


The problem of hostage rescue is that Germany is fundamentally anti-Semitic. Because there is a historical connection between the SPD (Sozis) (Special Democrats) and Jews. The Vice Jew of the World. Josef Schuster. The head of the Jews are the chairman of this association and the vice of the Implied World Jewish Council. Josef Scuster. This Hammas Mary rhet the finger. I believe

he wants to say something.

In my opinion, the German people have the right to know what the Qussam Brigades are currently saying. Also on the very important topic:

genocide in Gaza against the Palestinian people

In my opinion this is part of freedom of the press and freedom of the press is the basis of every democracy.

denn in demoratien wird der wille des volkes durch freie wahlen ausgedrückt zum bespiel

The voter may well ask himself whether he


wählen soll.. Eine Parte,i die eine Stratgische Verbindung mit Israel, repräsentiert durch den Völkermörder ? Netanjahu .( die Mehrheit der menschhet scheint zu glauben, dass er es ist.)

auch juden

und dass s sich  in Gaza um Völkermord handelt, darf jeder überall auf der elt sagen

Even Israel itself. You can be very harsh there, but without criminal consequences.

In Germany, there was a fear of criminal consequences.

So family members of the Eiseln still have to read on.

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General information

documentary about Baron von Boelke

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