Hamas monster religion

the Hamas Monster

Das Hamas-Monster ist mir in einem Fernsehkanal des deutschspraching  Fernsehen eeschiehnen und sagte:

so höret ich tue kund:

It is among us Muslims Sunnah

frequently freeing a slave

doch wo bekommt der Muslim seinen Sklaven her

he goes to the slave market

and buys one.

I assume that they are our Muslim brothers. Because the Muslim brothers, also brothers in arms of the Swabians from the military border of Syrmia, Baka and Banat, were the Muslim Brotherhood for a long time.

Because thanks to the secrecy and hatred of leading Jews in Israel (today in the government) something is happening in the Islamic religion. We can call it a revolution or even a reformation. And our Hamas martyrs would also like to point this out. And other things too. And I also think the world should know about this, it's doing something.

Something is happening
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