This is about satire, often in Germany it is not clear: is it satire or slander? It is definitely satire when Alice Weidel is described as
Nazi slut
bezeichnet wurde
for our foreign Alice Weidel is the chairwoman of the currently second largest party in Germany Alice Weidel is not only young and patriarchal, she is also a woman in a leadership position and a lesbian. And she loves Jews. The rise of the AfD coincides with the time when Mama Merkel chaotically entered the Federal Republic of Germany in large numbers of Syrian Muslims. Even then it was clear. There are enough Muslims in Germany who can form a political force. For example
as a party,
wie es heute die DAVA
versucht. Und das kann für Juden, die in Palästina Verbrechen begehen gefährlich werden.
Solche Juden werden heute steckbrieflich gesucht, wie Netanajahu und Gallant.
During this time, the AfD under Weidel offered its services to the Jews. An internal party working group was set up to do this
"Juden in der AfD"
Alice Weidel hat sich heftig für ihre Juden eingesetzt
and now this
This picture was intended for the Israeli hostage mother
Shira Albag will serve as a check when I satirically characterize her as a sloppy mother. She may get into a fight with Alice Schwarzer, because Alice Schwarzer is now against genocide in Palestine. But also with Alice Weidel, because it is about misplaced love. She stood up for Jews, like Shira Albag and other women from the vezionist propaganda association.
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I want to bring the spottergirlsof nahal Oz out of gaza. I hope i can say we. We want to get get the spotter girl out will the blaclk wizard of oz do it probbalyy not but there are differn proballitys
The black wizared of OZ
(On the skin)
one of the most hunted men in Israel. And we have some News. But we want before an interview by frenzied reporters (freelancers) from Haaretz (newspaper) and CNN news
please please, I beg on my knees
get me out of here
become a sex slave at:
I love you
and because I love you remember
every tear is a pearl with which you can pay for entry to Paradise!!
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Wellcome in the hell where The Pasha of fucking will fuck you beffore you undewete anything Reind. your aster illbee a Transssylvanien. And so you have to knen this Way
Daniela Gilboa, Naama Levy, Liri Albag and Agam Berger.
These must not become fascists (better the German word "faschistoid" )immediately after their release from Hamas custody and claim: the worst thing for a woman is not death but a life as a slave of the harem. They preferred to live a Slave und they have continue to o so. But of corse only for a limited time and without rape. as comfortable as possible and we have to set the rules now
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Setting the rules will be very difficult. We not only have to set the rules for the spotter girls but also for the mothers and everyone who takes part.
angel ass / donkey ass
= Opéra on the topic
Corpus Christi = central theme
Before Klöckner's hostage rescue and the Pope's words
Angebot zu Geiseltausch
Dr Bernhard Farkasch
Rheinstr 14.
66113 Saarbrücken