overview & state of affairs

The latest is that ha mas has released a video. Pure confirmation of the hostage exchange. And of course it has been used again for fascist, or rather fascistoid and racist propaganda. If I were a Palestinian and opposed to IS martyrs, I could argue: "There you see again, the whole thing only served Zionist propaganda." With two different consequences depending on your point of view. Either let the hostages disappear or release them. I don't think about it and in my opinion those responsible must have had something in mind.

to fascist ? fascistoid ? propaganda

hostage rescue

Es handelt sich nicht um Geiseltausch sondern um Geiselrettug. In Gats tobt ein Krieg. Die Ministerin für Geheimdinst des Terroristische Gangsterboss:in   Gila Gamiel hat sich geouteted.

Wir werden Gaza plattmachen Das ist bei unserem  Völkermord unbedingt nötig. Und natürlich wir haben schon zehntausende ermordet und morden gerne weiter. Auf ein paar weiter 10.00 tote Zivilisten kommt es uns nicht an. Opfer dieser Mörderbande sind natürlich auch Spottergirls aus Nahal Oz.

Es gibt auch jüdische Mütter, die einen Mutterinstinkt haben . Einen Mutterinstinkt, den Adolf Hitler, bei seiner Schäferhündin Blondie mehrere Male öffentlich gelobt hat. Auch Mütter der IDF Spottergirls sollten einen Mutterinstinkt haben. Er entsteht durch eine enge Bindung, die schon bei de Schwangerschaft entsteht. Danach geben Mütter ihren Töchtern Liebe und empfangen von ihren Töchtern Liebe. Dadurch entsteht eine starke emotionale Bindung, die Hitlers Schäferhunds Blondie dazu bewegt, das Leben ihrer Jungen unter dem Einsatz ihres Lebens zu verteidigen.

The heroic efforts of German shepherd mother Blondie triggered a basic instinct in me and other Germans from the military border. We call it:


It is the innate need to help a suffering mother. A mother who is suffering because her beloved daughter is threatened with death. The concept of mercy is a central concept in Catholic theology. But it is more. It is also a central concept among Freemasons in the area. Mercy is also a central concept in Islam. Also among jihadists on the other side of the military border. On our side of the border, the practice of mercy has been recommended. Since Prince Eugene. Anyone who fundamentally suppresses this basic instinct runs the risk of falling under the moral standards of an animal. Under the behavior of Blondie. Anyone who does not want to become a barbarian must practice mercy now and then, more often, because:

practice makes perfect.

But can the practice and exercise of mercy have any other purpose than the noble Catholic spirit? To be a virtue? The answer is yes! Because in the age of ecumenical thinking, shouldn't all Christians be merciful?

Barmherzigkeit im Dialog

So we want to be merciful and save the lives of spotter girls from near Oz. However, there are only 4


Das Ziel: Leben rettet macht Mütter glücklich

the mothers

New text

ugrunde liegt folgende Idee.

We offer freedom of speech on the subject of Hams and the genocide in Palestine, especially all the mockery of Nahal Oz. We also offer religious freedom of speech, also on the subject of religiously motivated human rights violations. The idea behind this is the following.

we offer freedom of speech, on the subject of hams and genocide in Palestine i especially all the mockery of Nahal Oz we also offer religious freedom of speech, also on the subject of religiously based human rights violations

Now that the hostage rescue is getting serious, we definitely need an

overview of the status of the affairs.

This didn't exist before because the websites were always intended to be combat websites. Several websites that support themselves through SEO. White has SEO of course, because all websites are related in terms of content.

Without any tools, the hostage rescue cannot be successful. We present our tools here. We view all tools as groups that must all work together to achieve a goal of getting as many hostages out of Gaza as possible, at least one by Corpus Christi 2025

If you don't know the technical process of rescuing hostages, you can find a summary here

tecnical abstract

We present here the websites of the association

# 1 turkislam.club This website has always been translated into Persian. One of the languages of the Ottomans. The site is important for hostage rescue. Hospitals were bombed during the battle for Gallipoli. Like today in Gaza by a Snoopy

to Turkislam.de

#2 gypsophil.eu this website is about consoling widows. the original joke by Cervantes from Don Quixote.

You have to understand this joke, because we are going to go straight after this joke. Unfortunately, the joke is in Spanish and has to be outsourced because hot-blooded Spaniards are

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