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It is about Hakoah by Fritz Löhner Beda. To introduce this poem.
Zwanzigtausend Menschen brüllen,
Boxen, hüpfen wie die Füllen,
Schwenken Hüte, schwingen Stöcke,
Werfen in die Luft die Röcke,
Schwitzen bis ins Jägerhemde,
Küssen sich, wiewohl sie Fremde,
Brave Onkels, dicke Tanten,
Sind Mänaden und Bacchanten,
Und der Lederhändler Kraus
Zieht sich fast die Hosen aus!
Ward die Menschheit, qualgebettet,
In das ew´ge Glück gerettet?!
Wurde in geweihten Stunden
Ewiger Jugend Born gefunden?!
Ist zum Segen aller Frommen
Der Messias angekommen –
Oder gar nach bitteren Jahren
Stadtrat Breitner abgefahren?!
Hühneraugen – Kukirol -!
Massen-Orgiasmus – Goal!!
Nicht die Schlacht bei Pavia –
Hakoah schlug die Slavia!
Ist die sportliche Betörung
Grund zu gründlicher Empörung?!
Weist der Taumel des Verstandes
Auf den Krach des Abendlandes?
Keineswegs, geliebte Menschen!
Dankbar will den Sport ich benschen (segnen)
Denn es geht ja nicht um Geld –
Bubenjung wird hier die Welt!
By Honorary President Fritz Löhner-Beda after the 5:3 victory of his Hakoah Vienna over Slavia Prague in the Vienna Krieau on April 5, 1925.
Actually, it is about finding Jews sympathetic - an important thing in the Gaza war. Because Palestinians who have lost part of their family naturally hate Jews. They can lose their family when UN schools, hospitals or refugee camps are bombed. And the Zionist Netanyahu clique are actually Jews. They consider themselves as such, often go to synagogue regularly, etc. Not calling them Jews is nonsense. The term
""falsche Juden"
That's nonsense. On what basis can Christians or atheists, both of whom have little knowledge of Judaism, classify Jews as right or wrong.
The Pope's courageous statement that what is happening in Gaza is terror has opened the door to an interreligious dialogue for the purpose of eliminating hatred. Now Turks, Syrians and other Muslims can work on Hakoah -Jewish peace in the slipstream of the non-Merkel CDU and love Jews themselves.
Because anyone who doesn't love Zionist Jews hates terrorist Jews much less and understands Jews better... especially if they aren't Zionists either.
What is Hakoah in German the power
etwas was buben spitz macht wodurch sie zum Spitzuden werden also scharf
mit Hakoah, meint Fritz löhne, gott, denn er darf als gläubiger Jude den Namen seines Gottes nicht die Liebe, zumindeste icht die Liebe mit der "Deutsche Christen der2. Generatio die meshheit überziehenidem sie Juden, Zigeuer tschen usw ins Kz stecken. Nachdem der 2. Weltkrieg erfogreich beendet wur sag KZ Isasse und freund von Fritz Löhner Breda eine Erklärung zum Buchenwald-marsch und vielleicht ach
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I want to bring the spottergirlsof nahal Oz out of gaza. I hope i can say we. We want to get get the spotter girl out will the blaclk wizard of oz do it probbalyy not but there are differn proballitys
The black wizared of OZ
(On the skin)
one of the most hunted men in Israel. And we have some News. But we want before an interview by frenzied reporters (freelancers) from Haaretz (newspaper) and CNN news
please please, I beg on my knees
get me out of here
become a sex slave at:
I love you
and because I love you remember
every tear is a pearl with which you can pay for entry to Paradise!!
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Wellcome in the hell where The Pasha of fucking will fuck you beffore you undewete anything Reind. your aster illbee a Transssylvanien. And so you have to knen this Way
Daniela Gilboa, Naama Levy, Liri Albag and Agam Berger.
These must not become fascists (better the German word "faschistoid" )immediately after their release from Hamas custody and claim: the worst thing for a woman is not death but a life as a slave of the harem. They preferred to live a Slave und they have continue to o so. But of corse only for a limited time and without rape. as comfortable as possible and we have to set the rules now
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Setting the rules will be very difficult. We not only have to set the rules for the spotter girls but also for the mothers and everyone who takes part.
angel ass / donkey ass
= Opéra on the topic
Corpus Christi = central theme
Before Klöckner's hostage rescue and the Pope's words
Angebot zu Geiseltausch
Dr Bernhard Farkasch
Rheinstr 14.
66113 Saarbrücken