wir wollen ja die Tochter Agam Berger aus Gaza rausholen und dadurch das leben retten. Frage ist immer will Merev Berger wirklich das Leben ihrer Tochter retten? Das habe ich bis jetzt nicht überprüft und such nach ihrem Namen im internet mit Google. es erscheinnt folgender Artiikl in der jüdischen Allgemeinen
The mother counts every minute
Agam Berger ist eine der entführten Soldatinnen
by Sabine Brandes 27.06.2024 09:16
In my opinion, it can make sense for everyone (upright democratic Germans, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood and hostage-takers) to take action against the Jewish Allgemeine and its publisher, the Central Council of (German) Jews. But that is not a priority at the moment.
because Meirev Berger was quoted by the Zionist press. In my opinion, it is not their fault. Apart from the Jewish General, there are only insignificant provincial papers with low circulation. It is normal that the Jerusalem Post uses it for its propaganda. There is nothing bad in the article. But we see this picture.
Agam Berger can play the violin very well. I have prepared some things and have in store for gypsy and Jewish music that Zammenhängen the
the the black wizzard von Nahal OZ
loves music and satire in order to fight for freedom of the press. For example against Jewish racism. And we can answer him on his level. With the fight for freedom of the press, against Jewish racism. And with Agam Berger, the Hamas agitation chain works very well.
Agam worked in Gaza for the racist terror regime of Herzog and the Cat Gang, and therefore deserves death or slavery. Hamas supports the fight against the racism of the Jews against the Gypsies by renting out the sex slave Agam.
that is the basic chain of argument.
Please don't forget that I have personal interests, I never thought about capturing Jews here in Saarbrücken and taking them hostage. It's actually a completely different situation. But in what I find rather strange, I could argue that Agam caused damage in Gatza. And someone has to pay for the damage. For example, playing the violin as a punishment is the same as desecrating graves by smearing them.
Agam's advantage is also her friends, for example Eden.e.violin from Instagram, who could play something on her fiddle, both Yiddish and Gypsy.
everyone can see for themselves, the woman looks devilishly good. she is very well suited for the cabaret hell with the devil's gallop. But it is not on the internet. But for starters it doesn't matter
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I want to bring the spottergirlsof nahal Oz out of gaza. I hope i can say we. We want to get get the spotter girl out will the blaclk wizard of oz do it probbalyy not but there are differn proballitys
The black wizared of OZ
(On the skin)
one of the most hunted men in Israel. And we have some News. But we want before an interview by frenzied reporters (freelancers) from Haaretz (newspaper) and CNN news
please please, I beg on my knees
get me out of here
become a sex slave at:
I love you
and because I love you remember
every tear is a pearl with which you can pay for entry to Paradise!!
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Wellcome in the hell where The Pasha of fucking will fuck you beffore you undewete anything Reind. your aster illbee a Transssylvanien. And so you have to knen this Way
Daniela Gilboa, Naama Levy, Liri Albag and Agam Berger.
These must not become fascists (better the German word "faschistoid" )immediately after their release from Hamas custody and claim: the worst thing for a woman is not death but a life as a slave of the harem. They preferred to live a Slave und they have continue to o so. But of corse only for a limited time and without rape. as comfortable as possible and we have to set the rules now
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Setting the rules will be very difficult. We not only have to set the rules for the spotter girls but also for the mothers and everyone who takes part.
angel ass / donkey ass
= Opéra on the topic
Corpus Christi = central theme
Before Klöckner's hostage rescue and the Pope's words
Angebot zu Geiseltausch
Dr Bernhard Farkasch
Rheinstr 14.
66113 Saarbrücken