

Minijobs for Gypsy people all over the world

Foreword Only gypsy women are allowed to get a mini-job. All you need is a mobile phone and an email address. and a partner. With these you take at least one selfie and at least one outdoor photo (buildings, forests, rivers, etc.) Women can only earn money if they take part in Dr Farkasch's campaign for religious relaxation, freedom of the press and freedom of satire. In Slovakia and in the directly neighboring Hungary. Up to the latitude of Budapest, the satire begins with Persiles and Sigismunda, so Persiles is Hungarian and means per ung klage German per Klage s ung and dts szita ung Sieb and Sielen Sigismund is Sgmond a Catholic who worships the Virgin Mary Sigismunda Thanks to the Virgin Mary, praise be to Jesus Christ, I must now unfortunately be a slave and kiss the hands of gracious women. For example Juliane Huber, the women's representative of Saarbrücken


Zur Zeit 20.11. 2021 machen  wir Fotos für die erste serie des Paternosters von Sigismunda den Sigimunda ist Ungarin mag Salami und Salamitaktik.  Sankt Pauli sagte
 Wer nicht arbeitet der soll auch nicht essen
aber est einmal Vater uns sagen
wer ist der Vater eines Sklaven.  Knüppel in der Hand in diesem Fall unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute   


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