Promis @ KZ Dachau

There were many celebrities in the Dachau concentration camp. To get in, the celebrity first had to get into the celebrity train. And in the celebrity train

week :

"About a third of the prisoners affected were of Jewish religion or descent. With the prisoner category "protective custody - Jew" they were at the bottom of the prisoner hierarchy in the concentration camps. In the early phase of the persecution of the Jews they still had the opportunity to be released from the concentration camp by presenting an entry permit for another country (which was difficult to obtain). They then had to leave the Reich territory as quickly as possible and leave behind all their assets, otherwise they risked being arrested again.

Zum ersten Österreichertransport gehörten Wiens Bürgermeister Richard Schmitz, der spätere Gewerkschaftsbund-Präsident Franz Olah, die Schriftsteller Raoul Auernheimer und Heinrich Jacob, der Librettist Fritz Löhner-Beda, ferner der Privatsekretär des letzten österreichischen Kaisers, Karl Werkmann, und der spätere Bundeskanzler Leopold Figl."

Politicians absolutely have to be prominent, otherwise they won't be elected. On the train to Dachau, the Jew Herrmann Leopold would have gladly done without his celebrity status. Was he even on the celebrity train and how did he get to the Buchenwald concentration camp?

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