facial recognition

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This is the scientific part which will soon be woven into a gauze.

We begin our empirical


Meet Friedrich 2. Babarossa.

the German Emperor

the founder of modern


we start with this quote:

Horses recognize faces and emotions

Horses recognize human faces

Eine neue Studie beweist: Pferde können ihnen bekannte menschliche Gesichter auf Fotos von unbekannten Gesichtern unterscheiden. Die Tiere erinnern sich an ein Gesicht sogar bis zu einem halben Jahr, nachdem sie es gesehen haben.

Cavallo Editorial Team10.09.2020

Horses can distinguish familiar human faces from unfamiliar faces in photographs. .......


Eleven mares took part in the researchers' specially designed facial recognition test. The horses learned to use their noses to touch photos of familiar faces on a monitor that were placed opposite unfamiliar faces. They received a reward for each correct reaction to a familiar face. The horses quickly understood the rules of the game. Based on the system they had learned, they assigned 32 faces per run. They also recognized people the horses had met more than six months previously, spontaneously and without difficulty.


Pferde sind in der Lage, emotionale Gesichtsausdrücke der Menschen auf Fotos zu erkennen. Sie passten ihr Verhalten in mehreren Forschungsversuchen auf Grundlage des gesehenen Fotos an, wenn sie die Menschen im wirklichen Leben antrafen. Die Pferde verbrachten zum Beispiel mehr Zeit mit Verdrängungsverhalten wie Scharren oder intensivem Bodenschnüffeln, wenn sie Personen betrachteten, die wütend auf den Fotos waren.

der gesamte Artikel hier

Horses love people

denn Pferd lieben Menschen und natürlich

People love horses

and people spend a lot of money on horses. For maintenance and for ownership. Because such a horse can be bought. We are currently in the process of

hostage rescue operation

to start. The hostages are ready for sale.

for sale

a slave, Snoopy

Daniella Gilboa

An ex-slave sweet and cute

of her owners have put her in sheep's clothing. She is of course not a wolf in sheep's clothing but a sheep in sheep's clothing, Schnuhcki means sheep, like Heidschnucke.. which is for sale here. . When selling, Schnuckys change the shepherd. And talking asses want a good shepherd, one who will mount her. Because that she will mount the spotter girls like the Hanmas pirates said right at the beginning

i  love you

i will step you

you are so beauyful

and when I saw Daniella like that I immediately thought: She is a real sex slave for me... And the film that Hamas sent to the families shows that she has a temperament like Paprika:

So it’s all about CLIMBING:

Bestiegen zu werden ist das Los der Pferde in Deutschland. Einem and das viel zu dicht besiedelt ist um sich endlos Prrien leisten zu können auf denen wilde Mustangs herumtollen können

This picture from the magazine is also about


The question is, of course, for a horse to let itself be mounted. A horse is actually there to romp through the prairies as a free mustang. Male mustangs are lucky enough to find a lucky jumper. Female mustangs are super lucky when they are mounted or jumped on. But to let a human mount them, something has to have happened beforehand. The mustangs are caught by cowboys and taken to their first mounting. A so-called rodeo. The wild horses defend themselves. They are stubborn and do bucking jumps. After several attempts, a wild horse becomes a tamed horse that can be mounted.

This is where our Hohenstaufen Emperor Frederick II comes into play with his famous falconry book.

because he asks himself:

How is it that a horse, one of the fastest of all animals, allows humans to mount it? It could simply throw off its rider and run to freedom


How is it that a lion, the strongest of animals, allows itself to be trained by humans? One strike from a paw and the human would be killed.

how come:

ein Falke, das freieste aller Tiere lässt sich zur Falkenjagd abrichten. Er könnte auch einfach in die Freihit fliegen.

but what about humans This falconer is Skave von Fridrich


In Cervantes' case, the Salafi dsihadstih is not only Don Quixote of the Mancha

oh oh that leaves stains
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