
Before the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Mass was clearly divided into two parts: the Mass of Word and the Mass of Resurrection. In the Mass of Act, things happened in a nutshell: bread and wine were transformed into the Lord's love. And the Lord took possession of the Catholics through communion. The Second Vatican Council mixed everything up. In my opinion, as a pious altar boy, but also now as an atheist, the Second Vatican Council is evil.

und erlöse uns von dem Übel 2. vatikanisches Konzil ! Amen

The following is important for the hostage rescue. Before the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Mass was clearly divided into two parts: the Word Mass and the Act Mass. Both begin with a clear confession of Judaism. Jesus of Nazareth, the true King of the Jews, was a Jew and said as a Jew: "I have not come to change one iota of the holy scriptures. These holy scriptures were written by Jewish prophets or reports of their lives. Christians and Muslims alike include King David and King Solomon in this. Many Jews do not do this.

In the course of rescuing hostages, it would be unwise for Jews to rule this out entirely. They are allowed to hold to their religious standpoints. They should, however, be tolerant towards Jews with different religious standpoints and, if possible, conduct discussions within the Jewish community outside of these circles.

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