♥ für Kinder

♥ for children ♥

♥ for Parsnip children ♥

murdered in Gaza

murdered while fleeing

♥ leilan Hamadeh ♥


with the help of Spottergirl and


deutscher Munition

Here we have a video of a murder.

Two of the responsible leaders of the terrorist gang IDF are now wanted internationally.

Für Verbrechen wie dieses hier.

This video is now also available on YouTube.

The small child, 6 years old, was on the run with his family. The car was spotted by spotter girls. Spotter girls like

the spottergirl from Nahal OZ Spottergirls like Daniela Gilboa, Agam berger, and Liri almag then the spottergirl have the death sentence

über die nette  Familie getroffen. Das Auto wurde bombardiert oder beschossen. Die Familie im Auto  der

6 year old Layan Hamadeh is dead.

die 6 jährige lebt noch, telefoniert und sagt

come and get me (out of here) will you come and get me

relative : You want me to come and get you

das waren eine der letzten Worte von Leylan Hamadeh 6 jahre

please click here

Perhaps the nice little Palestinian woman would not have called, because that could have been her death sentence. Even in World War II, radio conversations from both warring parties were localized or tracked. The technical equipment at Nahal Oz is an indication that death sentences were pronounced against innocent, year-old children in Nahal OZ.

Or other other death sentences.

In the video message that the Al Qassam Brigades sent to the hostages’ families, a hostage catcher clearly states

you murdered my brother

what do the martyrs want to tell us then

Spottergirls! Snoopys!

wie oft habt Euch angemaßt, über das Leben unshuldiger Paästinener zu richten. Ihr habt sie zum Tode verurteit. das Urteil wurde sofort vollstreckt,  Heute steht ihr vor Gericht. Angeklagepunkte




You are condemned like the other murderers, child murderers and genocides that we executed. We have put the severed heads on display as a deterrent.

against the innocent children of Gaza

innocent children are currently being murdered on the West Bank

What about the technical equipment of the Snoopy girls in the bunkers of Nahal OZ? There are enough surviving Snoopy girls from Nahhsl oz who can report on this.

or spotter girls from other fronts that they are really happy to have met. For example, a hospital listBut this spotter girl seems to be on a war crimes list.

und somit giltfür alle Spottergirls Israels

They have the right to remain silent. Any statement can be used against them.

murdered in Gaza

murdered while fleeing

♥ heart for children

Heart for Children

murdered in Gaza

murdered while fleeing

murdered in Gaza

murdered while fleeing

♥ heart for children

♥ heart for Palatinate children

fleeing from US troops after the Ardennes offensive

sie nannten sich Iron Mann,

because they were good at chasing children away

She was less able to withstand enemy fire

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