Home is Ape-cage

Dear Ms. Klöckner,

You are a woman with a heart. A heart for children, a heart for dogs and a heart for home. Show today a heart for


for hostages who would like to come to Saarland

Especially for Agam Berger

Because it seems that Biden thinks the hostage negotiations have failed and is leaving them alone for now. Netanyahu continues to attack Hamas. He has had success with his double-tongued propaganda so far. Look, I have freed a large number of hostages. The Hamas leader must counteract this, kill all the hostages before Netanyahu takes them. Hezbollah has never been affected by the hostage deal.

The hostages are therefore in acute danger of death. Negotiations and thus the survival of the hostages are a long way off. Agam Berger is particularly at risk if Hamas decides to kill hostages. Since Hamas suspects her of having killed Palestinian civilians as a snoopy dog or vanguard of the Israeli army, her life is in acute danger. She is definitely a human being and as a human being she deserves mercy. A virtue that she has

We ask for mercy

The poor mouse is currently being held as a sex slave in a Hamas tunnel by Hamasmonster. Just like in the good old days of Khalif Baghdasi

A video from the tabloid Sun provides evidence. But unfortunately that is not the whole truth. She is accused of having killed someone. Very specifically. However, the part of the video that the family members released does not reveal which one.

There are enough crimes committed by IDF soldiers. Murder and genocide are the most important.

Agam Berger wurde geschlagen und musste eine Hiose mit Motifen des Schnüfflers Snoopy  Snoopy bedeutet. Schnüffler. In deutlicher Zeichensprache. Wir deursche Frauen  sollten uns das nicht gefallen k´lassen und uns mit

I have Berger

Solidarity First and foremost

Julia Klöckner

I am Snoopy

analogous to

I am Charlie

The members of the disels meet

Höret was der Papst Spicht:

you stupid monkeys

## ..... in Israel ... that it terror .... reigns in Israel? .. international human rights court terrorist, genocide wanted

## the white flag of the parliamentarian... negotiated in Ukraine!!

## discover the mother within you.

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Julia becomes a porn star

wieder ihren willen , direkt kann sie nichts dafür. Eher der Papst. Der redet Unsinn in der Ukraine und Israel und anderen religiösen und philosophichen Dingen. und die CDU auch.

Julia becomes a porn star

N Zurtrauen wird in der Politik durch reden gewonnen. Zur Drssur rede auch das rauchen auf das Tier ein es wird zutraulich. Auch Slaven werden zutraulich wenn seine beitzerin Herrin auf ihn eiredet. Denn der Slave jst en normales Säugetier

mamall in rut

Dreaming of your sex slaves appearing to them as dominatrixes. What makes these people sexually aroused

It is time to realize your full potential. Develop yourself. Realize your dreams. Make your life more fulfilling. Here we see a nice CDU-Antonia- Hakoah--Klöckner hobby- sex slave-who is on the bridge to St. Johann

Politics without a beard

It's about satire. But about real satire. Of course we don't want to call Julia Klöckner a Nazi slut, but simply a CDU slut, a woman of femdom who would like to be our dominatrix. Without a beard, she simply looks sexy, our new dominatrix whose hobby sex slave we want to be.

Friede durch Deeskation

The Pope does not let up and also on Palm Sunday he spoke about the topic 2

2 mal an

the sermon of the mass was for the Red Cross

Also on the agenda is Ukraine, where the war rhetoric is particularly strong.

Comment FATHER:

Selynsky and Scholz are important war rhetoricians. Since the ammunition was used up by mistakes made by both of them, they must maintain the belief in the final victory. Both in Ukraine and in Germany.

Pope brings no new aspect

As always, all news from Vatican News, where you can read it on the Internet.

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We now hear first the sermon of Maundy Thursday

Because now Julia Klöckner finally listen to the Pope.

Holy Land: No Easter permit for Christians

This is not the way to go. We will simply celebrate Easter and then cut off our beards

That's Hamas. Keie Feier in Jerusalem.

The Pope has advocated peaceful solutions. He has heard about Israeli counter-propaganda from a chief rabbi in South Africa. In South Africa it has not been forgotten.

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    Therefore hurry to Trier

    Julia Klöckner

    ergreife das Labelum und gehe den irdischen Kaiser Konstantin vorran und singe mit ihm:

    Dear Ms Klöckner, please read

    Yes, the Pope is right

    Suffice it to say that what happens to Israel when Israeli army snipers shoot unarmed Christians is terrorism.

    And in doing so, you serve both

    Deutschland und Gott

    Don't worry, they don't have to join me, they should join the Pope. And then Germans will join them. Germans who never want to be involved in war and genocide again. And they will vote for them.

    Zum Beispiel christliche AfD Mitglieder.

    And in doing so, you serve Germany.

    die große Frage dürfen wir diesem Mann,  widersspechen, schlieslich ist er jude und die deutschen haben 5- 7 Mio. Juden ermordet. Widersruch mit religiösen Argumenten? ja !  Für traditonelle Katholken, Muslime und Juden, religiöse Argumente wichtg. z.B.: Die himmlichen Heerscharen.

    Yes, Netajah, you have the gun. God, the commander of the heavenly hosts, is on our side. He can mobilize them and send them against Jerusalem. Since our God is almighty, he can also mobilize earthly armies against Jerusalem. Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans, that will still work today. Even with the German army.

    We hope for an election result with

     SPD unter 5 % .

    The SPD and its lying press made mistakes. They ran a campaign of lies together with the "Nazi slut" Alice Weidel, the AfD leader.

    Isarel hat das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung deshalb .......

    Unfortunately, the Lord has struck them with blindness in

    Nazi slut fanaticism

    by AfD, SPD and Greens hardly anyone in this world chooses his words as carefully as the Catholic Pope in a pontifical mass.

    Pope Francis:

    serving God and thus peace

    Everywhere: also in Germany

    The Pope needs Germans to spread his sermons on peace through de-escalation all over the world.

    Wir vekündigen die Botschaften der Papstes und versuchen,diese allen Völkern der Welt klarzumachen. Natürlich mit Toleranz. Auch im Bezug zu auf die körperliche Auferstehnung und ihre religionsphilosophis Konsequenzen.. Und auch über Menschenrechte. Bevor wir für Frieden durch Deeskalation und Toleranz in Israel und der Ukraine werben müssen wir das hier beweisen, da wir selber tolerant sind

    . Toleance is always important.

    This is what this platform is for.

    But now to the topic of the day 24, 01.024

    Pope remembers killed war reporters and condemns fake news

    Wichtig in diesem zusammemhang ist die Pressefreiheit. Sie ist Grundlage für vieles nicht nur für Relgiosfreiheit sondern auch für die Demokratie. IN DER Demokratie soll das Volk die Abgeordnete wählen, die sie im Parlament repräsentieren.

    Und scon 3 Tage später

    the day of triumph

    The UN International Court of Justice has called on Israel to take immediate action. Anything else would be

    a sign of genocide, Genocidud Genocide is


    What is not terror? Free access for aid organizations to the Gaza Strip. This also includes humanitarian organizations of the Catholic Church, which could, for example, discuss a hostage exchange and provide emotional support. But diesel for generators is also very important, so that electricity can be produced for lights and medical devices.

    The Triumph of the Virgin Mary because the Pope has punctually

    Toleraz ist immer wichtig zum Beispiel

    between Sahra Wagenknecht and Julia Klöckner. Two women that the Germans can believe are fighting for peace. Sahra Wagenknecht has the advantage of standing alone and having a year to present her exact plans. Julia Klöckner is different. She cannot deny having collaborated with Angela Merkel. A woman who has plunged Germany into a myriad of armed conflicts. The German army, for example the navy, is also complaining about this. Nevertheless, I think Julia Klöckner is credible. The two women will campaign against each other, also on the subject of the Gaza War and the Crimean War (Ukraine). They could also work for peace during the election campaign. For example, by propagating facts. Political opponents should not be defamed, for example by such

    "let's build a firewall"

    Intolerance harms the democracy of the Federal Republic of Germany and intolerance can be voted out. We all call for gloria Vkktoria with

    a mother who points to her mother's heart. Because the Pope has appealed to all Catholics on December 31, 2023 to pray to Mary the Mother. She will answer his request

    Through his sermons, the Pope wants to spread peace through de-escalation throughout the world.

    fantastic places

    Erk Sahra Wagenknecht is also concerned about peace.

    So lasst uns gemeinsam antreten, um für den frieden kämpfen, und den Feinden des Friedens. den Beführworter von Terror, Völkermord, Haß, Gewalt und Gräberschändung

    Toleraz ist immer wichtig zum Beispiel

    between Sahra Wagenknecht and Julia Klöckner. Two women that the Germans can believe are fighting for peace. Sahra Wagenknecht has the advantage of standing alone and having a year to present her exact plans. Julia Klöckner is different. She cannot deny having collaborated with Angela Merkel. A woman who has plunged Germany into a myriad of armed conflicts. The German army, for example the navy, is also complaining about this. Nevertheless, I think Julia Klöckner is credible. The two women will campaign against each other, also on the subject of the Gaza War and the Crimean War (Ukraine). They could also work for peace during the election campaign. For example, by propagating facts. Political opponents should not be defamed, for example by such

    "let's build a firewall"

    Intolerance harms the democracy of the Federal Republic of Germany and intolerance can be voted out. We all call on Gloria Victoria with

    The guide,

     die die jungfrau, die Venedig zum glorreichen Sieg von Lepanto geführt hat. hierfür stifte der Papst einen Rosenkranz

    On the left you can see the Pope asking the Virgin Mary to intervene on the side of the Christian coalition in the Battle of Lepanto. Mary is the mistress of the heavenly hosts and has the marshal's baton in her hand. At her command, the heavenly hosts attack the heathens. Of course, they have no chance. Out of gratitude, the Pope promises that all Catholics will pray a rosary in honor of Mary once a year to commemorate the victory in the naval Battle of Lepanto.

    Holy Mass for the Solemnity of the Epiphany January 6, 2024 Pope Francis


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    The Pope says:

    Kommt alle, alle, das ist mein Gebet

    does not come for the Holy Father

    comes comes because of my mother,

    the sweetest, the sweetest sweet

    he also said of course you come too

    Julia Klöckner

    that is my prayer!


    May I perhaps explain it in Italian? Mary is the mother who towers high above me here in the Vatican.

    our sweet lucero,

    und Maria die Mutter, ein Mesch, folgt ihren Muttertrieben ihr Kind zu bechützen. So wie es alle Mütter dieser Welt tun. Auch i Gaza und auf den Westbanks

    Kommt kommt und folgt mir nach.

    Fight against terror and for peace.

    Also auf italienisch die die Mutter ist

    la Dolcina, die süßeste der Süßen

    the true sweetness

    Cervantes always followed this woman and had to hold up an ass for it. It was then covered in stains (Manchas).

    as is she the

    Macha dolicinea.

    und dauch user diesjähriges Jesuskind. Neuer Text

    comes comes back to my mother

    she dies of love if she doesn't see you

    (ein bischen Wiener Schmäh wird demChristkind wohl noch erlaubt sein)

    come come let's start over

    without your existence so please come

    comes to me

    I would like to be your mother

    Discover the Child Jesus in you

    comes comes

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    Words of the Pope on Candlemas February 2, 2024

    Nothing but expenses

    The Pope did not say the following, but it is the meaning of this Pontifical Mass:


    Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands.

    Holy Mass for the Solemnity of the Epiphany January 6, 2024 Pope Francis

    Christmas appeal of the Pope big question will the Pope say about a big problem

    Terror in Israel

    Holy Mass on the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary January 1, 2024

    wichtg ist flendes

    "But the world also needs to look at women in order to find peace, to break out of the spiral of violence and hatred, in order to regain a human perspective and a seeing heart. Every society needs to accept the dignity of women, everyone needs to respect them, protect them, ...because anyone who hurts a single woman blasphemes God...! He blasphemes God, who was born of a woman. ...No one knows the needs of children better than the mother.

    Background: "that is also God's style, feeling and tenderness" .."if we want to be Christians we must be Marian, (tender) The Church needs Mary to rediscover her feminine aspect. To become more like her who, as a woman, virgin and mother, represents her role model and her perfect form. To give women space... care and service.

    Dear Ms. Julia Klöckner, dear women of the CDU, this is an invitation to work together on the subject of Gaza from a Catholic perspective. Pope Francis has said, . What happened in Gaza


    It is 19:30, and everything is in German. All German Christians sing about peace in German. German just like they sang on that blessed night when the Association of German Christians took part in the murder of Jews in concentration camps.

    Weihnachten 2023

    born in Bethlehem



    in German, Proagada Propaganda mitherz

    Unfortunately nothing, everything in German

    Even the small addition of CNN creates a completely different picture. Everything is in English and informative.

    Lutheran Pastor: If Jesus were born today he would be born in Gaza under rubble

    Lutheran Pastor:

    Palestinian church leaders have canceled public Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem in solidarity with the people of Gaza as the war rages on.

     01:08   - Source: CNN

    So it's not the Pope who will give his sermon at the Christmas mass. What will the Pope say? Chief Rabbis are already doing popaganda in advance.

    Like this Chief Rabbi who has the courage, the audacity, to publicly demand that the Pope apologize at Christmas. With primitive populist arguments. With these populist arguments that German Chief Rabbis also use. Israel has the right to forgive itself. The Pope has never denied Israel's right to self-defense. He has only called for a ceasefire for humanitarian reasons. The presidents of the USA and France have done the same.

    click is missing here.

    Because at Christmas 2023 the Pope will have an even better argument. The war in Gaza has escalated further. A Catholic mother and her daughter were murdered by snipers in Gaza. As they left the church. What do the German chief rabbis think about this? And the SPD and the Greens. Israel has the right to self-defense. So we'll wait and see.

    On the subject of Orthodox Jews like First Rabbi Warren Goldstein, it is worth mentioning that they are extremely homophobic. Not so long ago, an Orthodox Jew stabbed 7 gays. Unfortunately, they were not Palestinians but gay Jews. And in this case, Netanyahu said: This is not an act of self-defense. Finally, good Catholics can agree with Netanyahu and

    Oberabbiner Warren Goldstein

    to hell, which is teeming with gays.

    To Hell

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    This deliberately false argument is also used by the allies of the German Chief Rabbis, the SPD and the Greens. But fortunately Germany is a democracy. The SPD and the Greens can be voted out. And thus lying Chief Rabbis are voted out.

    Jetzt bekommt natürlich eine erfahrene und intelligente Meiner Politikerin wie einen Schreck.

    Isn't that anti-Semitism?


    As a CDU member, you should occasionally quote Jewish women who believe that Christians who worship the Christ child should not be exterminated. With a genocide.

    Who is this:

    Oberrabbiner Warren Goldstein

    such Orthodox Jews

    Genocid ? Terror


    the Pope said

    Christmas Festival of Love

    Is not loved

    Chief Rabbi Goldmann

    Is loved

    Rabbi Miriam Grossmann

    Now put your feet on the line and your asses up.

    das ist herrman Leopoldi Ex insasse des KZ Buchenwalds komponist und Mittexter des Buchenwald liedes und er hat Lieblinge, da er leider einen Dachschaden, b.ekommen hat

    The problem was that Jews were beaten up in Buchenwald. This nice feminazi gang especially liked to beat them up.

    Because there are no feminazis. And if there are concentration camp inmates, you are of course allowed to believe that there were in the concentration camp. This picture/picture quote could be about a funny lesbian evening. The uniform skirts are knee-length, the pants are unbuttoned and this Jewish pig is getting turned on by it and thinks lesbians are there to jerk off. Other favorites are anti-Semitic Czechoslovakians. Because while Hitler was marching into Czechoslovakia, Hermann Leopoldi and Fritz Löhner Beda were sitting on the train to Czechoslovakia. Unfortunately, there were anti-Semitic Czechoslovakians at the border who sent the two later concentration camp inmates back to Austria. And the very next day, our nice operetta Jews were sitting in the

    celebrity train to Dachau. Because nobody really knows what happened. Maybe Leopoldie was grabbed on the bottom by good-looking SS women or by gay Nazis. Leopoldi expresses himself musically like this.

    With the song about the Chesnids

    ler poldi longs for a Czech woman with a vidable bottom. Because the violence in the Buchenwald concentration camp has left its mark. Not just physical ones on his ass because they have probably healed.

    He is


    Tatsch became a guy

    His Jewish English is worth noting. He sings about the Po touch Girl, which is probably about an Afro-African woman who

    Kentucky fried Chicken

    works and looks sweet as theshugar in her plum. Like this one,

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    Amanda Smith

    Founder: Project Faith

    This is about slavery. About the slave Cervantes in Algiers, who had to learn that he was no longer a human being and therefore had no human rights. He could be sold like a horse (Spanish Cavallo). His owner owned him and therefore had the right to rape him and to force him to


      zu zwingen. 

    As the name of the website says, it is about Cervantes. I have made some discoveries about this. These now serve as a vehicle. To the true n

    The ship Cervantes was sailing on was captured and Cervantes was made a slave. He was suddenly an animal. An animal that could speak. And from his and his mistress's point of view, not at all trusting.

    Cevantes explains to us how he became trusting in the end. And he gives us hints about the religion that absolutely needs slaves for the earthly/heavenly slave market. Salafist jihadism, albeit in its Turkish version. But Salafist jihadism, even in its Turkish version, is banned in Germany. Reading Cervantes is not, however. And not. And not watching Arte TV either. On International Women's Day, i.e. on October 17/18, 23, there was a multi-part documentary on the subject of Jews entering the USA during the Holocaust. There were very few of them. Because the USA under its leader Roosevelt prevented entry using various means. Consequences for the Jews:

     Tod in Ausschwitz. 

    In this context, the Erscheite

     Jude Guy Stern

    auf.  Er hatte es geschafft in die USA zu emigrieren. Aber seine Familie nicht. Einmal hätte er es fast geschafft efür sine Familie eine Einreiseerlaubnis  zu erhalten.Er scheiterte an einem US-Bürokraten. Mit der Konsequenz, das seine Familie von den Nazis ermordet wurde.  Heute ist Guy Stern director of the Harry and Wanda Zekelman International Institute of the Righteous at the Holocaust Memorial Center in Farmington Hills (near Detroit). ER kämpft darum, das der Holocaust nicht vergessen wird. Auf deutsch er macht Erinnerungsarbeit. Auch innerhalb der USA. Zum Beispel im Youtube Video

    a Virtual Book Launch Celebration with Guy Stern

    https://www.google.com/search?q=rabbi zekelman institute of technology german&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=575127353&sxsrf=AM9HkKnDmzrHviOMg7JyR6C8wPrgnKP0Bg:1697791009879&ei=ITwyZcudNaCL9u8Pqc-dmAQ&ved=0ahUKEwiLsq-wnISCAxWghf0HHalnB0MQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=rabbi zekelman institute of technology german&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiLXJhYmJpIHpla2VsbWFuIGluc3RpdHV0ZSBvZiB0ZWNobm9sb2d5IGdlcm1hbjIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABSJw6UOsIWLErcAF4AJABAJgBggGgAaAFqgEDNS4yuAEDyAEA-AEBwgIEECEYFeIDBBgBIEGIBgE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&ip=1&vld=cid:7ee14215,vid:0Ai160UDxA0,st:0

    Here Guy Stern outs himself as a Himmler supporter on the subject.

    Victory or Siberia.

    Because Germans do not want to be murdered by the murderer Stalin and would rather fight together with the US Army against the murderer Stalin. THAT was the idea of the Gestapo before. Heinrich Himmler as the boss, including Sep Janko. We surrender in the West and clear the way for the Western powers so that they can fight against Stalin. But it did not work because the real

     Häptling der Komantschen


    hatte die Welt mit seinem Gschpusie Stalin aufgeteilt.

    This is a key scene in world politics. Narrated by the contemporary witness

    Guy Stern

    selber Auch ich war in der Bundeswehr  geau aus diesem Grund. Ich wollte gegen Mörder kämpfen. DEn Mauermörderstaat


    A murderous state. Because it not only justified the murder at the Wall but also other murders. For example, the murder of Teschen during the invasion of Czechoslovakia. But in the murderous state of the GDR, the mass murder on the Gulag Archipelago was also justified by whom? By the CDU, a Christian party that promotes charity.

    preaches. What is charity.


    Which gave Christians justification for murder.

    German Christians

    the Protestant regional church

    Old Prussia / Brandenburg


    tttChristian charity ttt

    were these anti-Semitic. Not at first glance. Because they had hired Jews for their murderous activities. This was also the case for the Jews in the US Army, such as

    Guy Stern clearly.

    The Jews of the GDR also thought that anyone who is a friend of Guy Stern is a fascist. And he wants to attack the GDR and wipe out the socialist achievements of the GDR. Social Democrats and CDU members also thought so. And also the priests of the Protestant church in the GDR

    tttChristian charity ttt

    does not erase them

    tttChristian charity ttt

    does not cleanse us of it

    The Jews of the US Army and their German friends had a different opinion. The memory of the "German Christians" in the Third Reich was still too fresh and too good. At that time,

    tttChristian charity ttt


    Um zutrauen und Vertrauen warben auch deutsche Juden in den 20/30 er Jahren bei den deutschen. Auch bei Deutschen Christen

    especially the Christians of Old Prussia Berlin /Brandenburg

    Auch bei deutchenchristen des des Mittelstandes. Hatten dabei leider keinen ERfolg

    The one that ruled


    in Germany. Especially according to the motto: everyone looks out for themselves. but also love for the Aryan family and love for nature, love for the city.


    tttChristian charity ttt


    German Christians,

    evangeliche Christen

    the Diocese of Hanover

    im Gegensatz zu

    ♥ Jewish charity♥

    Posts on this topic have

    my syncope Jews ***


    Also not without problems is

    (* Salafist dihadist charity


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    Es geht um das Recht von Frauchen ihre Sexskav:innen pervers zu machen. In unserem Fall eine beliebiges CDU Frauchen, das das möchte dass Muslimas des islamischen Staates Juden sympatisch finden. Dazu müssen Frauchen aus der CDU.Rheinland Pfalz ihre Sexsklavvinne pervers machen. und zwar zu perfekten Scuhfetischistinnen

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    New text

    caught up in jihad.

    denn diese Salatwachteln sollen gleich vernascht werden.


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    Cervantes lets Don Quixote free such slaves. Especially in Spain it was important not to fall away from the Catholic faith through enslavement. Because anyone who fell away from the faith was handed over to the Holy Inquisition. So it was better to become a rowing slave in the hope that:

    Ship is hijacked, another 3.4 years of rowing, then become a renegade.

    But first what did the slaves have to sing:

    Maria Dich lieben war allzeit mein Sinn

    in joys and sorrows

    your slave I am

    Du bist ja die Mutter dein Kind will ich sein

    in joys and sorrows

    Maria du Sueze du Sueze Jungfau.

    explanation below

    New text

    Who does Cervantes mean by Quixote?

    Friedrich II der Staufer. Aus der Familie Barbarossa

    Und der soll bald zurückkommen-

    and make the world more Catholic.

    in which he sends the goddamn to hell

    Franciscans, Dominicans and Jesuits of course


    I am THE current Quixote.

    Barbarossa the Sea Devil


    a) I am Swabian, like all Barbarossas (Redbeards)

    b) I am a redbeard (see photo)

    c) I look scary, important for a monkfish

    d) I want to make Catholics, especially Catholic women, even more Catholic by having them pray the rosary.

    und zwar inbrünstig, das heißt in Brunst

    Our Father, Thy will be done, etc.

    e) Since Catholics do not like to go into heat, they unfortunately have to be captured and enslaved. This is also what the owner of Cervantes, Hassan Veneciano, thought. I doubt whether Hassan really comes from Venice, but I do not rule it out.

    "For understanding, the following should be known:

    1571 erfolgte eine Neuerung in der Nürnberger Strafrechtspflege, die offenbar - betrachtet man ihren Wiederhall in den Nürnberger Chroniken - großes Aufsehen erregte: Erstmals wurden Nürnberger Strafgefangene als Ruderer auf venezianische Galeeren verschickt." Zitat  aus dem Nürnberger Stadtarchiv

    Venice needed slaves for its rowing benches. The Virgin Mary was the reason for the victory of the Christian fleet. And with her help, further victories were to be achieved. That is why Nuremberg criminals were given to the Venetians as slaves.

    Copyright at the Nuremberg State Archives.

    This is relatively easy to prove.

    Es gibt eine große Anzahl von Stellen in Don Quixote von der Mancha die diesen Bezug herstellen lassen.

    Der Quixote  = Barbarossa der Seeteufel. der Nachfolger war Hassan Veneziano, der auch ein Seeteufel war und es lustig fand Katholik*innen noch katholischer zu machen.. Denn er ließ sie in Brunst fallen.

    I too want to make Catholic women more Catholic by letting them fall into heat so that they will fervently say

    Our Father, your will be done

    Because it is about the temporary submission to the will of a Muslim woman. As a slave, of course, and in

    full of chastity.

    Don Quixote is known to be


    He who has ears to hear, let him hear 1)

    because Don Quixote means

    I would like a Lanzarote

    in plain English

    The Uhlan has a lance

    be it fighting

    be it while dancing

    Ulans are known to be


    From the point of view of the Quixote. The Quixote. THE Quixote is to be understood in the same way as THE Ivan or THE Tommy in the Second World War. I will continue this nomenclature. Turks are of course called

    THE Mustafa. Including the Turkish Caliph and the Turkish Pashas. We must not make fun of Mohamed and not quote the Koran. But of course it is better to make fun of Turkish Pashas with tomato sauce virgins. As is well known, Cervantes was captured by pirates from the Barbary coast. They also captured virgins for the jihadist Caliph. He was supposed to look forward to paradise on earth by deflowering virgins. During the deflowering process, blood flows and the bedsheet turns red. As a sign:

    bride was still a virgin at the time of marriage

    A blood-covered bedsheet is hung from the window.

    the flag of the virginity.

    The majority of Spanish women were no longer virgins, however. However, they could be sold more easily on the slave market if they had a flag of virginity on their hands.

    The red stain consisted of chicken blood and tomato sauce.

    Deshalb Tomatensoßen Jungfrauen. Vor dem Verkauf mussten die Tomatensoße- Jungfrauen natürlich tanzen lernen. Hier sehen wir den Tanz von spanischen Tomatensaucenjungfrauen,

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    The footnotes are to be sung during a women’s foot washing in hell, when someone

    Julia Klöckner

    annoyed. To avoid eternal damnation, we can wash women's feet in the CDU hell. Then there is a possibility of escaping hell.

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