roundabout with Kohn

es geht um die doppeldeutigkei um den das Wort kreus verker

It's about air traffic

with the question in which circles this

it's about traffic with whom do we want to have traffic#


the Negro bit his child /odeon

salange nicht die hose am Kronleucher hängt

under camera Marschportpourri / crystal

when sonja dances Russian /

How does the lipstick get into Lehmann's underbed / Odeon

when the blacks get toothache

We are now looking at the Jew Efin Schachmeister. Can we do the Salafists a favor? Perhaps the Hamas ambassador in Turkey, in any case, because like the Pope, we see a connection between the wars in Ukraine. And if Jews from Israel, the hostage mothers and their supporters ensure de-escalation in Ukraine and at the same time in Israel, that is a small step towards peace. A very small step perhaps. Maybe, but at least a step in the right direction.

Efrin Schachtmeister

geboren 1894  in Kiew

- spielte in der Zigeunerkapelle Popescu

- managed to become a gypsy primate as a Jew and was called "King of all dancing vultures"

now we quote Wikipedia on the subject

Michael "Mike" Danzi and the pianist Adam Gelbtrunk in his band. He himself played the violin in the gypsy-prímás style, which "sang" in the high registers, but was also able to deliver blues-like obbligatos to "black" titles.

Schachmeister played the St. Louis Blues of WC Handy,[4] in a mixture of Mississippi and shtetl style that gives an idea of what the interaction of Jewish musicians from Eastern Europe and black American jazz could have brought. He recorded records for Polydor and Pallas.

Der Jude und Jazzmusiker Schachmeister, in beiden Eigenschaften den neuen Machthabern verhasst, emigrierte aus Nazi-Deutschland, und zwar zunächst nach Luxemburg, wo er ein mehrjähriges Engagement als .musikalischer Leiter im bekannten Alfa-Hotel hatte. Im Sommer arbeitete er als Kurkapellmeister in Mondorf.

Comments on wilipedia

It was the same for all Jews; they had to leave Germany. But Schachtmeister also needed a residence permit. With a can do key (Kennedy) I was allowed to stay in Luxembourg. And with another can do key, Jews also needed money. Life was relatively good as a musician. The Jew was often allowed to play in a small town in Luxembourg.

Because as replacement gypsies, because embarrassingly the gypsies were already in the concentration camp.

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to our memorial game for Pap.

Unfortunately, Danah had to emigrate because it is not just the Frank family who emigrated. We remember the good old days when there were no free-roaming Oss inwstdeur'tsclnd and red-haired rushes, over 60 we have various health resorts where Eli presly potporry.

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