
Dear atheists, welcome, it is not too late to repent, because the Virgin Mary wants to save your soul with satire

To this end, unfortunately we have to threaten you with hell. Because you will be hidden behind hurdles like a herd of stupid sheep. Unfortunately, you will not be able to overcome these because your feet are chained together. At one point there is a place and there is a cage with two signs. On one it says Work sets you free and on the other For castration. And of course For satire You can't decide. And you realise that: You are fucked Because purgatory is one version of Satiricon Petronius uses satire to tell us something about satyrs and their boss, the great Satyricon. The current Petron is of course Francis, the successor of Peter, of whom EHR, the Lord said Peter will become a fisher of men and you are Peter the rock and on this rock I will build my church at first glance this seems to be our Papa Francis. But unfortunately he doesn't believe in a physical resurrection, a physical purgatory and a physical paradise. But he does believe in human rights. But we want to be tolerant among Catholics. Between Pope Francis and Cardinal Levebrve and all the shades in between. Religious relaxation naturally also includes interreligious dialogue between employment relationships. It is about the satire of the noble Swabian engineer Mr. Fickdich vom Fleck. It is satire on the same topic as the mother of all satires, the satire told by the gay, or rather horny, guy Superpetrus. And with every satire you have to expect that the author will say the opposite of what he actually means. What is a gynecologist? A woman who is a doctor. Where in The City of Women. Cervantes makes fun of that too. Because Cervants was in the military. Just like me. and there was a gay medical examiner there. You had to climb up on a platform, take off your clothes and hold both buttocks in your hand so that the gay medical examiner could shine a light into your rectum. Afterwards the medical examiner felt my urethra and my fuck-point, grabbed my balls and then my penis with relish and said, "Cough." And then again. Oh yes, I almost forgot. Before the medical examination, a man full of humanism and full of Küng's ethics and full of the ethics of Wehrmacht First Lieutenant Helmut Schmitt gave a short sermon. Content: Dulce et decorum est... It is sweet and honourable to die for the Fatherland. Because the man was right. Because that is what Cevantes is about too. General joke: When the barber and the pastor come. Unfortunately, you cannot insist on human dignity. Because before you could die in the Bundeswehr for your fatherland, you first had to go for the medical examination. And of course it is also dulce decorum est... to be medically examined for the fatherland and to let a gay medical examiner grab your little dick. However, I agree with Cervantes that it is not humane to let a gay medical examiner grab your little cock, but rather a sweet, nice female medical examiner. Even if it would then become as hard as limestone and there would be a considerable risk of staining it.
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About Us

We are Catholics from the city of women, Tultitlan, Mexico. Because of the coronavirus, there will be an economic crisis here too and we are asking ourselves together: "How do we get out of here?" Fortunately, Heraclio Bernal appeared. A real gentleman. An avenger of the disinherited, a protector of widows and orphans. With some good business ideas. That's what Don Quixote wanted too. AND HOW WITH THE ONE WHO IS HARD AS CONCRETE
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Den es geht um den himmlischen Sklavenmarkt und sein Zusammenhang mit dm irdischen Sklavenmarkt. Vor Bild die babylonische Gefangenschaft. Und den Propheten Jeremias der Satire betreibt. Denn Jeremias behauptet das ER, der Herr, Ihm, Jeremias, diese Satire diktiert hat:
Über Juden, die nicht in die babylonische Gefangenschaft ghen wollten, weil sie dort nicht gedemüdigt weden wollten. Möglicherweise meinten sie,sie hätten Menschenwürde und Menschenrechte. Da kann ER, DER HERR nur lachen und satirisch sagen:
Hat man dass schon gesehen. Schwangere Männer die Wehen haben wie die Weiber.? Denn die männliche Juden bekommen eins in die eier getreten. Und das tut henauso weh wie Frauen die Wehen der geburt
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We are a group of female medical examiners from the city of women, Tultitlan, Mexico, and examine our slaves in Mexican captivity just as Cevantes imagined in Don Quixote of La Mancha. We grab our macho slaves by the tail and say "Please cough." We are of course delighted when a slave gives his dulcinea a giant... (spot). Of course, our range of services also includes gynecology. There are women who prepare herbs according to old secret recipes. Other women know how to prepare laxative teas, which they also like to sell to Protestants. The laxative effect means that you can no longer leave the toilet because of diarrhea. Like Martin Luther back then. Because this explains why the Turkish Caliph liked Protestantism so much. The former Martin Luther was also a slave of God.
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