
Captivi is a comedy by Plautus

every educated person has read it. It is about hostages

a must in my hostage rescue operation


A loving father searches for his son, who was abducted as a child

In the end, after all the trials and tribulations, there is a happy ending

bei dem die Geisel sagt 

Our Father, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Your kingdom come

Innerhalb der iIrrungen und Wirrungen ist zu bedenken ds es sichbei Geiseln um spechnde Eselsärschchen handet. Ihr ihr Eselsarch wrd hur dan ersohlt, wenn sie nicht sagen

Father, your will be done. They like to do that because they have the Arsheri, so they are a bit prudish and come from Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv was part of Liebanon at the time of Plautus.

and what does the poet want to tell us with this

Really good skaven who like to say "Our Father, Thy Will Be Done" are asochistic, Aramaic-speaking Syrians and Lebanese. They also like to wash women's feet. One of them comes from Nazareth, a suburb of Siporia. It is not Jesus of Nazareth, because he lived 300 years later. The exploration of religion only began around 1860. In the Habsburg Empire, the Turks had direct access to such results.

donkey asses

New text

Neranjahu is now in ooen war with Abu Mohammed Al julani ( fightername)  In a few days, the IDF has bombed 500 targets in Syria. In Lebanon, the highest mountain was occupied to protect against the Syrians.. Israel has invaded Syria. nobody can know how this war will end.  so let me explain the funny header. What is funny. the problem with salafistic

how to pay attention to the Magrebesel the Ass of Africa

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